Title: The Little Dragon's War
Series: Claiming Her Empire Book #3
Author: Bethany Bliss
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2022
Cover Design: Madelene Martin

Kayda at first is excited by the approaching battles, welcoming the distraction from her barely processed grief after losing her lover just a short year ago. However, she soon learns just how little it would take to be stripped of the rest of her loved ones as the fatalities grow.
Vince knew from the very beginning how catastrophic a war could be and had tried to warn her of the consequences it could bring to her country and to herself. He is unwilling to lose her and she is thankful for one thing this war brought her: clarity.
It helped her realize just how unwilling she is to lose him too.

I started writing when I was maybe twelve. I’m severely dyslexic and my writing was about as good as my
reading: just awful. However, I enjoyed writing and the creative ideas were there, even if the grammar wasn’t. I kept at it until I was happy with my results and passed it off to friends and family who could help me proofread. I try not to focus so hard on the grammar at first, just let my ideas flow and see where they take me.
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