“She placed a hand over each of our chests and told us our beats were rare because our love was pure, free to thrum a rhythm all its own. Called it our very own forever melody. Our hearts hum in time with the cadence of life flowing through our veins. See, the hearts are where our souls live, the thrumming crux so crucial it overshadows all others.” I stare down at my pinky finger, bending it slowly. “This little finger appears so insignificant in comparison, but in reality, it guides us down our fated paths. Most people fight it, stumbling through their entire lives uncaring of the tiny vein that runs directly from our heart, down our left arm, and continues through our hand to the tip of the teensy digit. That fierce little stream continues on, though we cannot see it, as a thin red thread linking us to every soul we’re destined to touch. It pulls through tangles and snares, it’s tenacity unbreakable. No matter how hard you try, your thread is impossible to ignore. No matter the detour, that thread will eventually tug us back on the right path to leave our mark on everyone it ties us to. Our influence isn’t always life-altering. Some lives we briefly pass through, but in others, we may find our homes. ‘You can’t fight fate,’ she whispered with a sad smile, linking our pinkies together. ‘Your thread brought us together tonight because your souls needed a kind heart. Cling tightly to moments like these, and look for the gentle souls hidden among the cruel. The path ahead of you is hard, little ones, but you are stronger than you can imagine. Trust your hearts, and follow your thread. Someday, fate will lead you home.’ And then, she slipped back inside.”
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Fighting Fate
The Righteous Man
Title: The Righteous Man (Nine Kingdoms, Book 5)
Author: Ann Bakshis
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Cover Designer: Lori Pryzbranowski of Hell Yes Designs
Publication Date: October 31st, 2020
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Treachery can lie in the heart of any man, from our worst enemy to our most beloved friend. Some choose to ignore it, while others work on defeating it no matter the cost—and the cost is always high. However, the Righteous Man believes he can alter the course of his life to one of redemption and justice instead of servitude and pain by using deceit and sedition.
But, he would be wrong.
For Honora, it’s something she’s seen in her previous life as the Shadows in the form of Macarius, Dolos, and Dermont. Now it takes the shape of someone she trusts… someone she loves. The betrayal awaiting her is like no other.
For the Righteous Man deceives all… none more than himself.
I’ve always loved to write ever since I was young. I would picture myself as the main character so I could go on adventures. They began as daydreams, which I eventually put down onto paper. Throughout the years I would write whenever I got the chance no matter how small the manuscript turned out to be. I’d tried the traditional method of sending out query letters to agents, but they would respond with a “thanks, but no thanks” note. I felt discouraged, but kept writing. I had a lot of encouragement from my mom, my Aunt Jeanne, my daughter, and my husband. Having the support helped keep me chasing my dream. A few years ago, I decided to buckle down and get serious about my writing. After some research and speaking with a friend of my husband, I took the plunge into self-publishing. I found an editor and a cover designer along with other indie authors on Facebook. I’ve joined groups and asked advice from writers who have already been through the steps it takes to get out there. It took me four years and three versions before I published my first book titled Wasteland. From there, I’ve completed several series and stand-alones with quite a few more in progress, so watch for their release.
Author Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3e7QPIF
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13615433.Ann_Bakshis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abakshis
Website: https://annbakshisauthor.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnBakshisAuthor/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/ann-bakshis
Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/34bdc2de49af/aedvwxff0f
Buy Links:
Unleashing the Shadows: https://amzn.to/3d6QsNk
Beware the Seer: https://amzn.to/3d0A9kV
The Loss of Another: https://amzn.to/2UPlxyN
Promises Broken: https://amzn.to/2EMD6e3
The Righteous Man: https://amzn.to/35RuWu6
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