Friday, April 30, 2021

The Rose: Vol. 1


Title: The Rose: Vol. 1
Author: PD Alleva

Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Action Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller
Cover Designer: Cherie Fox
Publisher: Quill And Birch Publishing

A masterful, dystopian science fiction thriller of telepathic evil greys, mysterious rebellion, martial arts, and Alien Vampires.


Sandy Cox believed WW3 was over. But for those Alien Vampires, war has just begun.


Forty-eight hours after a World War III treaty is signed Sandy Cox awakens in an underground compound unable to move. Tied to machines, she screams for help but no one answers. At least no one human.


And they’ve taken her unborn child.


Phil is a rebel freedom fighter who has had more than his share of Alien Vampires. Armed with The Blades, a sacred alien martial arts weapon, he enters the compound on a mission to find Sandy. But as he battles through the compound, Phil discovers Sandy has her own agenda. Finding her stolen child is all that matters.


But the Vampires have their own plan and Sandy’s baby is at the heart of their diabolical plot.


Joined by a crew of rogue soldiers, they must navigate the underground compound, combating genetically mutated humans, aliens, and monsters.


When battling Alien Vampires, one thing is certain…Get Ready To Bleed!


Fans of The Hunger Games, Blake Crouch, VE Schwab, Star Wars, and Ancient Aliens will be fascinated by this high-powered, edge-of-your-seat dystopian science fiction thriller.

PD Alleva is an alternative fiction author. His novels cross genres, blending mystery, conspiracy, psychology, and action with horror and dystopian science fiction. Alternative fiction is PD's attempt at describing what readers uncover in any one of his books, a new discovery towards mainstream storytelling. He's been writing since childhood, creating and developing stories with brash and impactful concepts that he would describe are metaphors for the shifting energies that exist in the universe. PD exists inside of his own universe, working diligently on The Rose Vol. II and exceptional horror novels. Be prepared for Golem, PD’s upcoming horror thriller.

Author Links:



“It’s in the blood, dear,” said Ellen, one of the women Sandy shared time and space with, her skin worn by age, hard labor, and days spent under the sun. Blotches, liver spots and creases led the observer to the eyes. One dark, the other a cataract milky white and she always wore a dark shawl draped over the head and shoulders. Sandy was afraid of Ellen, she reminded Sandy of a gypsy or witch from a fairy-tale.

            “Come again?” said Sandy, her eyes shifting from soldier to Ellen to soldier then back to Ellen.

            Ellen had cut herself transferring a wood bucket filled with rice to add to an already large trough of buckets. A thick wood splinter pinned in the bottom of her palm dripping with a thick stream of blood. She turned to Sandy raising the bloodied palm and caught a drop of blood in her unwounded hand.

            “The blood dear,” said Ellen. “All magic comes from the blood.”

            Sandy cringed at the sight; she’d always been squeamish. Her stomach bumped, blood curled. Magic, Sandy thought. If only magic was real. How wonderful would that be? Sandy understood she was naïve, the result of an isolated childhood and her parents’ death when she was ten years old. Not that they had taught the young Sandy about the world she lived in either. They’d kept her under lock and key, never so much as offering a glimpse or advice on the outside world. They were always so cryptic with their explanations, living in an abundant and overgrown mansion as if luxury were a childhood friend. Sure there were plenty of rooms for a child to explore but as time went by those rooms seemed more like a prison than a home.

            Years of neglect, isolation and secrets were as torturous as physical suffering. And she was tired of secrets. She wanted to know truth. Truth was like a blanket that keeps you warm in the coldest winter.

            “The blood, Sandy,” said Ellen who clenched her fist around those crimson droplets, shaking her hand in front of her face. “All is in the blood.”

Against the Odds


Title: Against the Odds
Author: S Lucas
Genre: LGBTQ+ Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Peachy Keen Author Services
Editor: BBB Publishings
Publication Date: April 30th, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Book description or synopsis: Marcus Brady seems to have it all. He's the captain of the football team and dating the head cheerleader but things aren't always how they seem. When the new guy at school catches his eye, he soon realizes that feelings are being awoken in him that he never expected. Will others accept the new him, or will it all go to hell?

Trey Banks is the new guy at school, starting from scratch with his mom after they move to a small town for a fresh start. Trey can finally be who he is meant to be. Marcus, the jock, is a temptation he never asked for but he just can’t resist. Are his fantasies about Marcus just that, or could they become something real?

Soon enough, both guys find themselves fighting against the odd

*This book is intended for mature readers and includes M/M, as well as some M/F scenes. Some readers may find some content of the story triggering. This story contains homophobic slurs, cheating, violence and bullying in some chapters.*

Powered by tea and sarcasm.

S. Lucas is a self-published indie author, who lives in the UK with their significant other. When they are not writing they can be found either reading, blogging, or sat behind a sewing machine making costumes for various events around the country.


After completing NanoWriMo for the first time in 2020 with the completed story of Against the Odds, they were set on the track of publishing their very first book.


Look for more books coming in the future.


Author Links:

Facebook | Reader Group | Amazon | Goodreads | Instagram | Website

From Blood to Ink


Title: From Blood to Ink
Author: Brynn Myers
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal
Editor: Liz Ferry at Per Se Editing
Cover Designer: Emily Wittig from Emily Wittig Designs
Publisher: Indigo Ink Publications
Publication Date: April 30th, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR


Indigo James was a successful author until the day she got writer's block, and everything changed. Weeks turned into months without anything but fleeting thoughts and half-ass ideas. That is until the day she met Mila Aeress—aka the Goddess of Chaos. Suddenly Indigo is thrust into a world she only thought existed in books. Now she's bound to her writing for a completely different reason. Her life and her works are more than labors of love; they're a matter of life or death. Each new manuscript becomes a book of sacrifice when her blood literally turns to ink.

Brynn Myers is a paranormal romance author. After considering writing a hobby for years, she finally turned her passion and talent into a career. She came into the paranormal genre later than most but has always loved fairy-tales and all things magical. Using that love, she creates charmed worlds by writing stories involving passionate, strong-willed characters with something to discover.

Author Links

Amazon | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Website

They should be simple enough. I mean, everything begins with them, right? A single letter can be a word. A series of words become sentences. A series of sentences become paragraphs: papers, short stories, novellas, novels. Sounds easy, and yet as I sat there staring at a blank page, I couldn’t for the life of me seem to put my thoughts into a cohesive flow.


I was suffering from a severe case of writer’s block, and my muses seemed to be on the longest coffee break ever. This would have been all well and good if I weren’t under a deadline with my publisher. Naomi had been kind enough to give me three extensions but had made it clear there would not be a fourth. I sent her some pages in hopes she’d take pity on me, but instead, she emailed them back to me in a bold, harsh font and told me they lacked my usual passion and fire and to go back to the drawing board.


Nine hours later, I was still staring at a blank screen. Hope of any inspiration knocking me over was as cold as the cup of coffee and a half-eaten chicken sandwich sitting on my desk. Nothing was working—not the junk food or the caffeine. Maybe I should grab some chocolate and alcohol, I thought. Wasn’t it Ernest Hemingway who said, “Write drunk, edit sober”? Hell, what did I have to lose at this point?

Finding It All

Title: Finding It All
Series: Finding Happiness in Harmony
Author: Stacey Komosinski
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release: May 18, 2021
Cover Design: Angelique from The Book Studio

Twenty-five-year-old Chloe Larson has never had a relationship or been really kissed by someone. After a rough childhood spent hiding a secret and being ridiculed, Chloe believes she’s better off with only friends around her. That way she can’t get hurt or misused. She spends weekends living life to the fullest with her best friends and roommates Gaby and Jess and weekdays proving her worth as a newly promoted reporter. The thing is, she doesn’t have time for anything romantic. But secretly she longs for that special connection with someone.

Chris Sherman is bored of the selfish women who flock to him. Recently out of a relationship, he isn’t looking for love. But everything changes when he meets Chloe Larson. She has a way about her that excites and intrigues him, leaving him desperate to get to know her.

Will they both find the courage to let each other in and experience the joys and pains of love, life, and happiness to find it all?

He pulled her panties down, over her toes, and tossed them to the floor. Then slowly he brought his fingers back to her, finding the spot between her legs. He knew she wanted him when he touched her, and she shivered. He slipped a finger inside, and she groaned against his mouth, making him hard. “Take me to bed,” she begged.

Chris smiled. “Not yet. I still have things I want to do to you.”

In a husky, demanding whine, she protested, “But I need you now.”

“I want to watch you let go with my hands, then we’ll go to the bed.”

In tantalizing circular motions, his fingers expertly teased her. She felt tight sensations building in her core.

He stopped to pull her T-shirt over her head.

She moaned. “Please, don’t stop. I need you so bad.”

Stacey Komosinski grew up in a small Pennsylvania town strongly influenced by her mother's passion for reading. She read her first romance novel in her early twenties and hasn't stopped.