Friday, December 2, 2016

Theirs to Protect

Title: Theirs to Protect
Author: Melissa Klein
Genre: Erotic romance/ménage/holiday
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Editor: Melanie Billings

College student Claire Matthews has panty-melting fantasies about her roommates but can’t imagine choosing just one. But when her rapist is release from prison, she knows it’s time to disappear—again. First, she needs a memory of the delicious duo to take with her. Firefighter Sean Dalton is mind-blown when Claire suggests a threesome. Watching her kiss his friend under the mistletoe is a turn-on. Being asked to share is like gasoline on the spark of desire. He’s shared a woman before, but he’s been crushing on his sweet and sexy roomie since she moved in. He’s not about to say no. Chicago police officer Max Devon isn’t new to the ménage scene, but he knows Sean has a thing for Claire and he won’t be the third wheel again. Been there, done that, has the scars to prove it. Still, he’s not immune to Claire’s charms. He’ll play her game, but only if he’s in charge. Then he'll know when it’s time to withdraw from the relationship. A night of blazing passion leads to more than one discovery. Sean is caught off guard by his feelings for Max, Max struggles to keep his distance from both his roommates, and Claire must make a choice—flee or stay. Trusting these two strong men with her heart and her life means endangering them and giving in to the belief she is theirs to protect.

Melissa Klein writes contemporary romance about everyday heroes fighting extraordinary battles. Whether facing the demands of caring for a child with special needs or the struggles of a soldier returning home, her characters take on the challenges life throws at them with perseverance, courage, and humor. She lives in Atlanta with her family.

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Claire leaned in to Max, feeling his hard chest against her. Everything about him was a little rough. Gritty even. Which was why he was so good at his job. The people on his beat could relate to a cop who’d lived the hand-to-mouth existence they were trying to eke out. He was also good at getting underneath her skin. Her fingers traced his hard abs even as she admired his best friend to her right.
Sean wasn’t any slacker in the workout department. Leaner than Max, he had the body of a swimmer with broad shoulders and tight hips. On more than one occasion she’d been nearly late to class so she could get a glimpse of his bare chest as he came in from his morning run.
“I want to veg out in front of the television,” she said. Sandwiched between you two.  They hung out eating pizza and watching movies at least once a week since she’d moved in with them. It was one of the things she’d miss most when she moved on.
“Only if Sean or I get to pick,” Max said, using the hand that had been resting on her shoulder to mess up her hair. “Isn’t that right?” He punched is buddy in the shoulder. “I declare tonight a no chick-flick movie night.”
“Whatever Claire wants,” Sean replied, scrubbing a palm over his face. “After last shift, EMT school today, and then having to dress up like an idiot for the calendar, I’m beat.” Frown lines furrowed his normally happy face. Even as he’d been coaxing her into spending Christmas with his family, she sensed his mind had been on something else.
Her two roommates couldn’t be more different. Where Sean was sweet, patient and easy to talk to, Max had this whole strong, silent thing going for him when he wasn’t ripping into someone with his wit. Her gaze darted between the two as they traded good natured barbs. She couldn’t stay in the dark place the package and letter from her hometown had put her in. Not when he was determined to make her laugh and Max was heating her body to the boiling point.
Claire drained her cola in an attempt to cool her heated body. The way he played with her hair, his fingers dipping beneath her curls to massage her neck sent tendrils of electricity straight to her core. They were everything she longed for in a guy, all rolled into two delicious packages.  She wanted them. It was a plain as that. With the necessity to leave town looming, she was out of more subtle options for letting them know how she felt.

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