Saturday, December 3, 2016

New York Romance


New York Romance 
by Joanne Dannon and Charmaine Ross

Fall in love with these two holiday novellas.

Charmaine Ross, and I came up with the concept of the Happy Holidays series and loved the idea of having two friends both finding love during the holidays. We’ve linked the stories, in “New York Romance”, with both friends finding love in New York, thanks to the magic of the holiday season.

A Magical Chanukah in New York

When falling in love isn’t as easy as falling in love.

Lisa Sassoon has shunned the scandal of her loser ex-boyfriend cheating on her by escaping to New York. Instead of sightseeing, she’s become a recluse focussing on helping the less fortunate at a homeless shelter.

Gabe Olivari, entrepreneur and savvy business New Yorker, can’t let go of the pain of losing his best friend. So caught up in his own grief and believing he doesn’t deserve to be happy, he compensates by pushing everyone close to him away.

But when Lisa and Gabe meet, there is an instant connection that forces them to question not only their behaviours but their aspirations.

Can a dash of Chanukah magic help Lisa and Gabe realise that sparkling dates and dreamy kisses can lead to more? Perhaps even a lifetime of happiness?

Christmas in New York

A light-hearted and emotional novel about family, friendship and coming to terms with your past.

Andrew started falling in love with Charlotte, his beautiful, strictly hands-off client, from the moment he first saw her. Unfortunately, she doesn’t feel the same way about him. Doesn’t she?

Having made an unforgivable mistake to her parents, Charlotte has one single objective, ‘Get home for Christmas. Make amends.’ A mantra she constantly finds herself chanting when her attraction to sex-on-a-stick Andrew becomes too overpowering to try and avoid any longer.

Charlotte’s boss has been piling on the workload, making to harder and harder to get back home to Melbourne, not to mention all the extra meetings slash dates with Andrew she’s had to make to get the job done.

Charlotte finds Andrew incredibly attractive, fierce, smart, passionate and… totally off-limits. But between completely stupid deadlines and extra meetings, passion simmers. With redemption at stake, Charlotte must choose between her parents or once-in-a-lifetime love.


Only available on Amazon for $0.99. Pre-order now. Launch on 25 November. 
Buy link -

Snippet from A Magical Chanukah in New York 
by Joanne Dannon

“Do I want you to kiss me? Let me think.” She cocked her eyebrow. “I’m in New York, it’s a festive time, and I’m at the top of Empire State Building with a cute guy--” “Cute?” He stepped back on unsteady feet, pretending to be offended. She gave his arm a playful punch. “What do you want to be? Macho? Dapper? Show-stealing Suave? Stylish?” His narrowed eyes took in her cheeky grin. “Did you just swallow a thesaurus?” Her lips twitched with amusement before a serious look crossed her face. “The old Lisa, as in the one from a couple of months ago, would’ve been shocked and politely declined the offer of a kiss. However, I’m away, no one knows me here so if the kiss is still on offer, I’d love to take you up on it. I’ll chalk it up as romantic experience in New York.” “I’m not sure whether to be offended or flattered.” His heart raced in anticipation of closing the gap between them and seeing if the skin along her jaw was as soft s it looked. She puckered her lips together. “Well, I could’ve said no.” “But you didn’t,” he said in a low voice.

Snippet from Christmas in New York
by Charmaine Ross

The sleeves pulled at his biceps, accentuating the ridges of defined muscle beneath the flimsy material. She was a sucker for a well-fitting shirt and he just looked so good in them. A little voice piped up in the back of her brain that he’d probably look a whole lot better without anything on at all, but she shoved it back down as forcefully as she could. “Huh?” His mouth stretched into a perfect smile, “I said, it might take some time to look through them all. I’m starving. I thought I could make us something to eat while we go through the images. What do you think?” “Ah…” The line, Charlotte. Remember the line. “I’m cooking.” “You cook?” she asked. His smile was catching and she felt herself smiling in response. “The basics only. Soufflé. Baked Alaska. Galantine. That type of thing.” “Uh-ha. And I’m Jamie Oliver’s right hand gal,” Charlotte laughed, tension running from her shoulders. “That’s sou chef, for people in the know,” Andrew said. He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against the sleek black marble kitchen bench. “Well, Chef Robinson what are we having for dinner?” “I make a mean omelette. Are you game?” Andrew said.


Joanne Dannon


Joanne Dannon, an Australian author, writes to give her readers the experience she loves to savor--indulging in a sigh-worthy-happily-ever-after, being swept away from the everyday by diving into a delicious romance novel. Joanne is a happily married mother of two heroes-in-training who loves spending time with friends and family. She can be found on Facebook and her website chatting about reading, writing, cooking, vintage-inspired dresses and all things romantic. Website Facebook Instagram Goodreads Amazon  

Charmaine Ross


Charmaine’s first foray into romance was as a fourteen year old where she fell hopelessly and eternally in love with her hero as only a teenager can. Instead of watching movies and staying up late, she would go to bed ateight thirty and continue her very romantic, very safe, love affair. Since then, she has fallen in love with many heroes, some less safe than what her teenage brain could possibly imagine. After earning a Fine Art’s Degree, a Diploma of Secondary Education and a Diploma of Marketing, she worked as a Graphic Designer in various advertising agencies and as well as in-house marketing roles and is currently involved with digital marketing and everything web in her current position. But she always returns to writing. Although she has travelled, she always returns to her home town of Melbourne and lives with her husband, two children and two cats in the ferny-greens of the Dandenongs. If she’s not working on her latest romance and falling in love with yet another hero, you’ll find her reading, watching and basically indulging in her addiction to any story on any media type she can get her fingers on. You can find information about her latest releases as well as excerpts on all of her published books here: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Pinterest: You Tube:   

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