Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Book 2 A Lil Bit Country & A Lil Bit Rock & Roll
By Skye Turner
Release Date: December 6th



Sean Scott, lead guitarist of Destiny Fades to Blue, the “it” boys of rock, is used to having any woman he wants. He’s never at a loss for companionship and his philandering ways are frequently on the front page of the tabloids.

Summer Anderson, one of the founding members of Sweet Southern Sass, the platinum selling sweethearts of country, has never had much time for romance with her busy touring schedule and all that living the life of a country superstar entails.

While on a crossover tour with both bands, Summer finds herself wildly attracted to the tattooed, bad boy of rock, but the close proximity also gives her a front row seat to Sean’s revolving door of bedmates.
Sean knows that Summer is attracted to him. He’s interested but knows that she isn’t the type of woman he goes for though he loves the attention… until she suddenly treats him no differently than anyone else.
When another man enters the picture and Summer seems interested, Sean must make a choice.

Is he willing to forego his womanizing ways for a chance with Summer?

Can Summer trust that he’s sincere in his affection?

Will the sweetheart of country decide that the only relationship she needs with the bad boy of rock be as a tour mate or can these two find success in the rhythm of love?

When the sweethearts of country meet the bad boys of rock… more than the charts heat up.

***This book is intended for those 18 and older. It contains explicit sex, graphic language, and adult content. Those against those things should NOT read!





You can catch up with Riff, Book 1 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll NOW!



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Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned writer. She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism. She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, 2 kids, and 8 fur babies. When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing Supermom, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), or catching up on her family oriented blog.


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