Tuesday, December 6, 2016

From the Ashes

Title: From the Ashes
Series: The Possessed Series
Author: KL Donn
 Release Date: December 5th, 2016

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥NEW RELEASE + GIVEAWAY!🔥🔥🔥🔥 From the Ashes by KL Donn is live! A bullied Companion Novella The Possessed Series 2.5
You met Ashley Powers in bullied… Questions were asked… Answers are here!
Just #99Cents or available in #KindleUnlimited Buy links: US: http://amzn.to/2gJRiGc UK: CA: AU:
Not everything is as it seems..
Blurb: Mistakes were made... Here I am… Just another number in the system… A convict… It was pure hell. Why? Because I was a bully. There’s no redemption for me. There's no happiness, no forgiveness... There's nothing.
Until him.
She was supposed to be a job. Full of attitude, remorse, and pain. I fucking fall. Hard. I didn’t know her before prison. I sure as hell want to now.
She thinks this is her story, I’m about to show her it’s ours.

Enter the #Giveaway here:


Like y’all don’t know about me already! Wait, you don’t? We let me tell you! I am forever 29 years old (For real my birthday says I’ll be 30 this year, but I refuse) I have been with my amazing husband for 12 years and together we have 4 stunning children! (Biased I know!) For the last 8 years I have been a stay at home mom to care for them and now that they’re all older I can finally do something for me. That something is most definitely writing! I love creating stories and sharing them with the world! I don’t get to read as often as I used to but you better believe my TBR list is longer then me! I absolutely love to hear from my fans so please feel free to contact me at anyone of these places:
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