Thursday, October 31, 2019

Good Intentions: Volume Two

Title: Good Intentions: Volume Two 
Author: Ana Balen 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

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Hell seems to be my life's final destination. I thought I was already there but I was wrong. Every step, every breath, every decision is leading me there.
Heather should have been a quick fix, an easy lay, someone to make me forget about life......for a second.
She turned out to be more than that. She is my Kryptonite. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think that another woman, other than my wife, would consume me so completely. 
I love Heather
She is my soul, my heart, every breath that I take.
I want to give her everything. 
I want to be her everything...
However, my wife has other ideas.
When she comes and spills her secret, 
I must make a choice before all hell breaks loose...

Title: Good Intentions: Volume One 
Cover Redesign: Veronique Poirier of V Designs 

Ana Balen was born in Zagreb, Croatia, where she still lives with her husband, their son (read boss!) and the son’s pet rabbit named Shhh! (or some other gibberish that’s the favorite of their son for the day.)
She spends her days driving her husband up the wall (when he can’t get her ass up from the bed in the mornings), reading and daydreaming, or following orders from a three-year-old. In the hectic life she leads (and loves every second of it), she never thought about writing. But, then one day a name popped in her head, then, the snippets of things, and she sat down and started typing. Next thing, she wrote a book. And now, she’s about to release her third!

Bohemian Girl


(Southern Girl Series #1) 
by Georgia Cates 
Release Date: December 5th
Apple Books: Coming Soon! 
Google Play:

A faceless name. That’s all she was when I agreed to play a part in deceiving her. And then the unexpected happened.

We met.

I yearn for her skin against mine. I crave her scent on my body. I want to make her laugh and then moan. And I do… in secret.

I promised my business partner I wouldn’t touch his sister. But I broke that promise.

Our little dirty weekends together are no longer enough. I want my bohemian girl in my bed every night. She wants a ring, marriage vows, and babies … all things that I can’t give her.

Our romance is explosive. Our love, epic. Our ending, miserable… unless I bend.

If I don’t bend, I’ll break.


About the Author: 

Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.

When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her music and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.

Connect w/Georgia
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The Journals of Octavia Hollows

Title: The Journals of Octavia Hollows
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA Fantasy
Audio Producer: The Audio Flow, LLC
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: With a touch of her hand, Octavia Hollows can restore life. Yet, she couldn’t save the man she loved from the horrific accident that stole him from her. Octavia thought she could outrun the pain, but ghosts from the past refuse to be silenced. Out of options, she chooses to retrace her wayward journey across the country in search of answers. Surrounded by baffling mysteries of the undead, what she learns about herself along the way might become her greatest weapon.
This six novella series chronicles Octavia's adventures in:
Wake the Dead
Dead Man's Hand
Caught Dead
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Dead Ringer
Dead as a Doornail
Audible links:
Stacey Rourke is the award winning author of works that span genres, but possess the same flare for action and snarky humor. She lives in Florida with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.
Author Links:
Audible links:

Murmur of Love

Title: Murmur of Love
Series: Texas Solace Series #1
Author: Nicole Ann Nielsen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 21, 2019
"A cowboy, a supermodel, and a marriage of convenience.
A recipe for disaster . . . or a Southern fairytale?
Cecelia Carlsen, supermodel, entrepreneur and philanthropist, thrust into an unforeseen situation, returns to a past she thought forever lost to her.
Aidan Lawson, Texas cattle rancher and single father, faced with a renewed custody suit and a struggling ranch, is unsure about the future.
And then she arrives in a private jet, flaunting her mile-long legs, batting her honey eyes at him, and offering a solution to his problems.
But Aidan is a man who abhors lies and secrets.
And Cecelia is a woman shrouded in them."
Cecelia watched with amusement as his footsteps faltered and then stuttered to a stop. The bewilderment on his face when he turned to her brought a giggle to the fore.
“Seriously? You expect me to sleep in . . . on . . . that?” With great reluctance, he turned back and gestured toward the offending item in question.
She twirled past him and hooked an arm around one of the four interwoven, antique iron posts shaped in the form of tree trunks supporting the intricate metal canopy above. She flung her other arm open to indicate her extremely feminine bedroom and whimsical bed, and breezed out, “Welcome to my boudoir.” 
She sat down on the white-on-white jacquard bedspread and patted the space next to her. “Despite its fragile appearance, my bed is sturdy, very comfortable, and extra-large, so never fear, you will fit.” She flung her torso back onto the bed, arms stretched above her head, her eyes following the leafy pattern above. “I found it in a darling shop in the South of France five years ago and just had to have it.” Her laugh was light and tinkling, as whimsical as her quirky antique bed.   
Aidan’s large presence loomed over her. He supported his weight on extended arms, dipping the mattress beneath her shoulders. Her legs, dangling off the edge of the bed, were pinned between his, and his upper body hovered over hers. Her eyes, sparkling with amusement, met his oh-so-serious gaze. 
“It better not find its way to Texas,” he drawled in warning. 
Her grin widened. “And if it does? Whatcha gonna do, cowboy?” 
“Tie you to those posts with one of the scarves you seem to favor and have my wicked way with you.” 
Cecelia’s belly fluttered at the promise of his words, and her brows lifted in response. “In that case, it would behoove me to ensure it finds its way to Texas,” she replied huskily.

Aidan’s eyes widened as her meaning — and what he’d said — sank in. He’d spoken without thought. He groaned as a dull flush crept up his face, and he made a move to straighten. “You scramble my brains.”
Her arms found their way to his neck, stopping his retreat. “I rather like your brains scrambled,” she murmured. Her exploring fingers spread over the shorn hair at his nape, and she tugged him closer, her laughter fading as desire replaced amusement.
“I have many scarves,” Cecelia whispered as his lips hovered over hers, their breaths mingling. 
His body lowered as his elbows bent in answer to her pull. He tugged her lower lip between his teeth, eliciting a moan from her, scattering her thoughts. 
His teeth released their hold, lips moving closer to her ear. “Does bein’ tied to your bed tickle your fancy, Lily?” he whispered, his lips continuing to kiss a path across her hairline. She’d the power to unleash a racy side in him he’d never known existed.
She moaned, angling her head just so to expose more of her neck. Being a clever man, he followed her invitation, leaving her breathless in the wake of his lips. “You have no idea . . . how tickled my . . . fancy is right now, cowboy.”
He sank lower, eliminating the little space between them. He asserted extra pressure — perfect pressure — aligning all the right body parts. “I think I might’ve some idea, sweetheart,” he said hoarsely, “as I am in the same predicament.” 
They both moaned. He lifted his head and repositioned his lips on hers. The tip of his tongue sought entry, and she gladly opened to him. An intimate duel ensued, fueling the fire building between them. 
“Oh, Lily, I love your bed! It’s sick!” The loud shriek was vicious in its untimely interruption. 
Aidan stilled. Groaning, he pushed himself upright, his movement sluggish and reluctant. His gaze embraced the gorgeous woman, still spread out on the bed, one arm flung above her head, her chest heaving in rapid movement.
She was breathless and undone. Because of him. 
His plan had been to keep his physical distance from her for a while. To get to know her a bit better — build a relationship — before becoming intimate.  He raked his hand across his face. It was going to be harder than he’d anticipated.
Tearing his eyes from the alluring image, he focused on his daughter. 
Nicole Ann Nielsen believes in romance, in love, and everyone deserves a happy ever after. 
And that is what she writes — Contemporary Romance. 
Working as a web developer and running her own company, one morning, having had enough of code, she opened a word document, and finally, finally, let the ideas bouncing around her head out.
In her own words: “The words flowed, the characters talked, the scenes developed, and a story formed. It was magical.”
Nicole lives in scenic Cape Town, South Africa, and shares her space with her husband, two dogs, and a lone cat, her son and daughter having long flown the parental coop.
She is an avid reader, enjoys Pilates, inhales coffee, and loves dreaming about her next novel.

The Italian

Title: The Italian
Author: T L Swan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 28, 2019


They say there are three things you should do at least once in your life:

Dance like nobody’s watching.
Travel the world.
And fall hopelessly in love.

I aimed to do all three.

I went to Italy to find myself.
But he found me.

It was like a story book, our eyes met across a crowded room.
He asked me if I needed help reading the menu.
We ate, we laughed, we danced, and I fell.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan, and we parted ways.

Two years later, our eyes meet across a room again.
Only this time I was on a date with another man.
He went crazy in a jealous fit.

But the man I met then is different now.
He’s colder, harder, and officially one of the most powerful men in Italy.
Dare I say it, even more enticing.

But if you dance with the devil, you get burnt.

And the fires in Italy are scalding hot.


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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Lover of her husband, children, words, chocolate and margaritas.
When she is not writing her next novel, you will find her in a café drinking coffee with friends.
Writing is her passion.

Books by T L Swan

Stanton Adore
Stanton Unconditional
Stanton Completely
Stanton Bliss
Find Me Alastar
Play Along
Dr. Stanton
Dr. Stantons The Epilogue
Marx Girl
Mr. Masters
Gym Junkie
Mr. Spencer
The Stopover
The Italian

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