Tuesday, July 31, 2018

GSR Countdown Blitz - Day 20

Morgan J Muir lives in Utah with her fantastic husband, three offspring, and as many cats (but she doesn’t carry them with kits in sacks, and has never been to St. Ives). She grew up riding horses and motorcycles and listening to her grandmother read poetry. She grew up reading any sci-fi/fantasy novel she could get her hands on and so was surprised the day she discovered that she also really enjoyed historical fiction.
Morgan always loved to write and draw and her parents always liked to say that they knew she’d write a book some day.  Ever since she was small she told stories and drew pictures for her tales.  When she got old enough, all of her spare time between classes was spent writing and she always had a notebook with her.
Her first novel was originally written after her first child was born, to help her pass the long, lonely hours as a new stay-at-home mom.  As her kids got older and more came she was too busy to do much with her stories, until one year she was introduced to NaNoWriMo, which finally rekindled the spark that led her to finish what she’d started.

Morgan’s favorite authors are Brandon Sanderson, Kristen Britain and Marion Zimmer Bradley.

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Mariah has chosen to become a vampire, but she can’t remember why.

Upon waking in the labyrinthine caves of Sophus, a centuries-old vampire, Mariah can’t remember all the choices that brought her there, but she does know there are dangerous secrets hidden within her.  As she learns to control her powerful new body— and its bloodthirsty urges— Mariah discovers a unique ability to travel through a world of spirit, the key to remembering her past, and possibly the future. 

At first, it seems her path is simple: learn to control her bloodlust, find her missing husband, and return with him to raise their son. However, things are more complicated than they seem, and neither Sophus nor her husband’s captor is willing to let them go. Mariah must use whatever skills she can to find her husband and protect her still-mortal son, but will it be enough? 

Top Ten List:

10 random facts about me
1. Blue Roan is my favorite color of horse
2. I prefer off-road motorcycles to street bikes
3. I published my first book in 3rd grade
4. I can’t act worth beans
5. My favorite jersey number is 13
6. A ring inscribed with the phrase “Prone to wander” reminds me to write
7.  Despite having a cell phone for over 15 years, I still don’t have a smart phone
8.  Reading my teacher’s ratty old copy of “Birth of the Firebringer” by Meredith Ann Pierce in 4th grade is what first inspired me to start writing.
9. Horses are my favorite mammal
10. I think top 10 lists are as difficult to compile as writing a book cover blurbs

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Their Famous Dominant

More specifically, Trent Ramsey, one of the clubs' famous members? 

He is back! And is the hotter than ever Office Intrigue Series by Nicole Edwards! Ready for his story? Ready for the heat? Grab it now! 

Their Famous Dominant, An Office Intrigue Novel
by Nicole Edwards

Release date: July 31st, 2018

*Menage Romance

My name is Trent Ramsey. It’s possible you’ve heard of me. I’m one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. Not only that, but I’ve built a vast empire of businesses, including two of the hottest BDSM clubs on the map. My face has been plastered on big screens and magazines for over a decade. Plus, I’ve got more money than I know what to do with.

At one point in my life, I thought that was enough to make me happy.

So, why am I not? Why have I found myself at a crossroad? It’s not like I don’t know what I want. I know exactly what I want.

Or rather who.

But it isn’t what you think. I’m not after a submissive who will fill the void. No, it’s never that easy for me.

I’m after two and they aren’t both submissives. Or rather, they aren’t both in the lifestyle because they are both definitely submissive. In fact, one happens to be my personal assistant, a man who has spent the past three years working alongside me, helping to manage my entire world.

Although my mind has been set on one particular woman for so long, I can’t deny I have an overwhelming urge to dominate him, too.

Better yet, both of them together.

At the same time.

Publisher: Nicole Edwards Limited
Cover Photo: Wander Aguiar
​Cover Model: Thom Panto

Amazon: http://geni.us/ROPU
iBooks: http://geni.us/WPz6
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/NEtfdBN
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Paperback: http://geni.us/113tht


​Saturday, August 4


Turning at the sound of my name, I noticed the blushing submissive staring at me, flanked on both sides by her tuxedo-wearing Doms. While her light blue eyes were wide with what could only pass as star-struck wonder, her Dominants’ identical hazel eyes were filled with amusement.

Langston Moore and his twin brother, Landon, had just claimed their submissive in an official collaring ceremony in front of their friends and family. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t completely honored that they’d thought to include me.

My mind snapshotted the image of the threesome, a memory of this day etched in my mind for future reference.

“Luci,” I greeted, smiling at the young woman who was the star of today’s festivities. While it was evident Luciana Moore wanted to say something, no words fell from her lips as she stared back at me with eyes as round as saucers.

“Go on, pet,” Landon urged his beaming bride.

“I … uh…” Luci’s voice chirped on the last word.

Langston chuckled. “What our tongue-tied submissive wants to say is thank you for bein’ here today.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” I shook hands with Langston, then Landon. “The ceremony was beautiful.”

“As is our submissive,” Landon noted with pride.

I peered down at the petite submissive, who looked like an erotic fairy princess clad in an elegantly designed white corset, a platinum and diamond collar gracing her neck, and little else. “I’d have to agree. It’s been a memorable day.”
“With no small thanks to you for the venue,” Langston added.

“The location was merely the backdrop,” I told him, my gaze stopping on Luci once more. “You, young lady, are even more beautiful now that you’ve been officially collared.”

Luci blushed as she usually did when she was around me. “Thank you, Master Ramsey.”

“I still remember the first night I met you at Dichotomy.” My gaze shot to Landon. “She came with you that night.”

He grinned from ear to ear. “She did.”
“And I’m sure she was just as star-struck then as she is now,” Langston noted.
“She was,” I agreed. “In fact, if I recall, that response broke one of Landon’s rules and you spent most of the night walking around naked.”

“Mostly naked,” Landon corrected. “I allowed her to keep on the G-string.”

I grinned, and Luci blushed again.

Needless to say, it had been interesting to witness, as it was any time a new submissive was introduced into our world.

“Thank you for overlooking my blunder that night, Master Ramsey,” Luci replied, her voice husky and soft.

“You were quite sweet.”

“But seriously,” Landon said, his tone sobering. “We’re honored that you attended.”

“Don’t be honored,” I told him with a smirk. “I have every intention of drinking my weight in champagne. It won’t be cheap.”

Landon laughed. “I don’t doubt that.”

“Truth is,” Langston said, “I didn’t think you were that easy, Ramsey. You didn’t even put up a fight when I invited you.”

He was right. I wasn’t easy. Usually.

“I’m only easy for you, my friend,” I told him, grinning.

In the past year and a half, Langston and his three partners at his PR firm—his twin brother, Landon, along with Justin Parker and Benjamin Snowden—had become good friends of mine. We met through Dichotomy, the BDSM club I opened in Chicago roughly two years ago. The four men were part of the first wave of members who had joined the club and I’d gotten well acquainted with them.

Partially because of them, I’d been spending more and more time here in Chicago in recent months, needing a break from the monotony that had become my life.

“Probably not wise to let word get out that you’ll roll over with very little persuasion.” Langston chuckled, his gaze darting to the people milling about behind us. “Those subs following you around like lost puppies might think twice.”

I didn’t bother looking back at the submissives I knew were mingling nearby. I had yet to show any interest whatsoever, however they still trailed close behind. It was something I despised, and any submissive who hoped for even a small amount of my attention knew that.

“One could only be so lucky,” I told him.

Langston’s gaze slid to the far side of the room and mine followed.

“Your assistant looks a little out of sorts,” he said with a grin.

I allowed my eyes to rake over the handsome man donning a designer tux and a wild-eyed expression as he took in everything around him.

"This is a first for him,” I told them.

“Well, you wouldn’t know it,” Langston said facetiously.

“What gave it away?”

“Probably the fact that his jaw is dragging the floor,” Langston said with a laugh.

At least the boy had the sense to keep his tongue in his mouth.

“Give him time,” Landon chimed in. “He’ll get used to it.”

I had to wonder whether that was true or not. While I had purposely kept my assistant out of this side of my life, something had compelled me to invite him today. I was glad that I had because I enjoyed his company. He was one of the few people in the world I trusted implicitly. It had taken three years to get to that point, but I knew he had my best interests at heart.

I turned my attention back to the triad before me. “Is King around?”

Langston’s eyes scanned the area behind me, obviously seeking out his father. “He’s around here somewhere. Probably tryin’ to keep a tight leash on our mother.” Langston looked back at me and grinned. “You know how parents can be. I’m not sure anything is good enough for her boys and our mother’s been flutterin’ around, tryin’ to ensure everything is perfect.”

“Well, someone should tell her she accomplished her goal,” I informed Langston, choosing to slide right over the reference to mothers.

If anyone wanted parental advice, I was the last person they should come to. My own mother had put me up for adoption when she was a whopping fourteen years old. I didn’t know who she was, much less who had sired me. Nor did I care.

A nice couple had adopted me when I was a newborn, but a fire in our home had taken their lives when I was seven. The neighbor had managed to get me out, but by the time he did, the house was fully engulfed. According to the medical examiner, they died of smoke inhalation.

At that point, without any family who could care for me, I ended up back in foster care—where I was obviously destined to be. I spent several years in and out of homes, largely due to my age, along with my inability to behave. When I was fourteen, Rosa and Daniel Singer had come into my life. Although they never officially adopted me, they did foster me through most of my formative years.

While it hadn’t been a childhood grounded in routine or consistency, I couldn’t complain too much. I wasn’t broken in the sense I’d had a shitty childhood, and I damn sure didn’t want anyone’s pity.

However, I did attribute the lack of control to my innate need to be in control now. It was one of the reasons I’d ventured into the realm of BDSM and then practically built my life around it.

I noticed several others lining up, probably hoping to give their congratulations to the threesome. “Well, I should stop monopolizing your time.”

Langston smirked. “You headin’ back to Texas after this?”

“Actually, I’m off to California to meet with my agent.”

Landon cleared his throat. “Official business?”

I met the other man’s curious hazel eyes. “We’ve got a few things to discuss.”

“We’re still considerin’ your proposal,” he admitted quickly.

I shook my head and huffed a laugh. “While I’m a businessman first, today is not for that. We’ll catch up in a couple of weeks when you’re back from your honeymoon.”

Landon nodded, but I could see his reluctance. While I was eager to find out whether or not the partners had come to a decision regarding the proposal I’d made, I wasn’t going to allow that to interfere with the festivities today.

“Well, thank you again for handlin’ the venue,” Landon said, motioning toward our surroundings. “We couldn’t have asked for a better place.”

“Even if I remember specifically tellin’ you we weren’t lookin’ for anything fancy,” Langston tacked on. The significant stress on fancy did not go unnoticed. “I should’ve known how you rich boys work.”

I laughed. With a net worth of 750 million dollars, I could hold my own, sure. However, I happened to know that Langston and his partners weren’t doing too bad in the finance department. In fact, they were in the process of expanding an already outrageously profitable business. Chatter PR Global was officially the third-ranked public relations firm in the world.

Granted, my side ventures were quickly increasing my wealth and I could credit that to good business decisions on my part. Not only was I one of, if not the highest-paid actor in Hollywood, I was also a venture capitalist and I had my hand in many pies. Along with the dozens of start-ups I’d helped fund, I was a silent partner in many things, owned some impressive real estate that was turning nice profits. I’d learned to diversify early on and it had paid off. Even more so since I’d invested in a technology company that was in the process of launching a software platform that would change the way most people did business.

In a word, I was rich. No sense denying it. However, I was also pragmatic.

“I promised you wouldn’t be disappointed, Moore,” I reminded Langston.

“That you did,” he agreed. “You were true to your word.”

Admittedly, this had been the perfect venue for a formal collaring ceremony. In fact, it was a place I’d considered for myself should I ever find a submissive of my own. Unfortunately, at the rate I was going, I wasn’t sure that would ever happen.

“All right,” I told them firmly. “I’m off to see if I can get my assistant to relax a little.”

“Maybe offer him some champagne,” Landon suggested. “Or bourbon.”

I glanced over at Troy. I wasn’t sure any amount of alcohol was going to help.

“Thanks again for comin’,” Langston said.

“My pleasure.” I turned my attention to Luci one last time. “You keep these boys in line.”

“I will, Master Ramsey,” she answered, still slightly bewildered.

With a smile, I turned and ambled away, my gaze landing on my assistant.

Troy Shelton—my personal assistant for the past three years—looked as though he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Even in spite of that, he was a very attractive man. He took good care of himself, which I found ridiculously appealing. Well-built with his sculpted chest and narrow waist, tall. He filled out a tuxedo nicely.

His shoulder-length, dark brown hair hung loosely in that style that said he didn’t care what it looked like but he spent plenty of time getting it to do what he wanted it to do. His jaw had that purposeful stubble, his cheekbones were high, his nose perfectly proportioned to his face, and his mocha-brown eyes didn’t look tired or strung out. In my world, that was not the norm. Considering my demanding schedule and my equally demanding personality, that was a wonder, really.

The thought made me smile.

There was something inexplicably masculine about him, but underneath, there was something innately submissive.

When a waiter offered champagne, I took two glasses from his tray.

“You all right?” I asked when I approached Troy, handing over one of the glasses.

Uncertain brown eyes flew up to my face as Troy nodded. “Of course, boss.”

I smiled to myself as I scanned the crowd, taking note of the numerous bodyguards strategically placed throughout. While security of this magnitude wasn’t usually necessary at a function such as this, I’d had to come up with a backup plan when word leaked that I was going to be attending today’s ceremony. Luckily, I had friends in high places and it had only taken one phone call to ensure the press wasn’t going to sneak into the party without an invitation.

“By the way, boss, Ken called. Twice. Said he needs an answer.”

I frowned. “Ignore his calls,” I instructed. “I’ll discuss with him in person on Monday.”

“Have you made a decision?” he inquired.

“Yeah,” I told him. I’d known from the beginning of the unnecessary negotiations that I was turning down the part I was being offered. Although the movie would no doubt be a success, I was taking fewer and fewer roles these days for personal reasons. The only person who didn’t seem to get it was my agent.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Troy offered.

Casting a sideways glance his way, I kept my initial response to myself. There was something I wanted from him, but we had a long way to go before we ever got to that place.

“I’m good for now,” I replied. “We’re here to relax, not work.”

“Right, boss.” His eyes widened as a Domme walked by, leading her scantily clad submissive around with a leash.

While Troy was otherwise preoccupied ogling the people around us, I let my gaze trail over him momentarily. I had no idea what I was doing checking him out, but I found something uniquely appealing about the man. Although my mind had been set on one particular woman for so long, I couldn’t deny the fact that I had an overwhelming urge to dominate Troy.

Better yet, both of them together.
At the same time.
For those who knew me, that was an important detail that would come into play one day.

I just had no idea that one day would come quite so soon.

~ Copyright 2018, Nicole Edwards Limited.

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Click images for more information on coming soon titles.

WEBSITE: www.nicoleedwardsauthor.com

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Elise Cormier has hated Cole Whitehurst since she was five years old. He’s always known just how to make her feel dumb, shabby, and — worst of all — invisible.

Even when they live under the same roof.

But that’s where Elise learns Cole’s terrible secret and why he is the way he is. Despite how he’s always treated her, Elise becomes his ally.

Cole Whitehurst has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Day in and day out, it’s up to him to keep his mother and sister safe. He’s used to giving up everything he wants in order to protect them.

And there’s nothing he wants more than Elise Cormier.

Cole has no business falling for his housekeeper’s daughter, but how could he resist? She’s funny. 

She’s real. And he trusts her with his life.

But, as Cole knows, loving someone comes with a price, and it may take him years to pay it.



Author Bio

Stephanie Fournet, author of Fall Semester, Legacy, Butterfly Ginger,  Leave a Mark, You First, and Drive, lives in Lafayette, Louisiana—not far from the Saint Streets where her novels are set. She shares her home with her husband John and their needy dogs Gladys and Mabel, and sometimes their daughter Hannah even comes home from college to visit them. When she isn’t writing romance novels, Stephanie is usually helping students get into college, setting up a tent in the woods, or running. She loves hearing from fans so you can follow her on FacebookInstagram, Twitter, or message her on Goodreads.

Author website and social media links
Website - http://www.stephaniefournet.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.fournet
Twitter - https://twitter.com/stephanie4net
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stephanie_fournet/
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/stephfournet/

Revenge Love

Revenge never felt so sweet.

Revenge Love by Kata Čuić is NOW LIVE!

FREE with #KindleUnlimited

“Revenge Love is the perfect mix of imperfection, friendship, love, revenge, and angst. A flawless book mastered by Kata Cuic that I loved completely. Emma and Jason’s revenge is your 2018 necessity!” - Len Webster, bestselling author of Sometimes Moments.

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Revenge is sweet.

Emma Hastings has tried all her life to fit in. Throwing off her awkward high school years to become a member of a prestigious sorority at Wellbridge University, she has her sisters at her side, and the future spread out before her for the taking. Her senior year of college should be filled with parties, studying, and sweating between the sheets before she goes to medical school.

One night at a party changes everything. Dominoes collapse as quickly as they’re erected.

Suddenly, everyone has something to gain and everything to lose.

Love is sweeter.

Jason Gould will never fit in so he doesn’t even try. Content to stay on the periphery of society, he works hard, plans for his future, and keeps to himself. His senior year should be filled with early morning shifts, gym sessions to keep his pent-up anger under control, and readying himself to face the rest of his life alone.

One ray of sunshine refuses to let him fall into darkness. Emma refuses to leave his side no matter what is thrown at them.

When a woman who is dying to fit in joins forces with a man who never will, they just may find they fit together in ways neither could have ever imagined, and they’ll discover a life well-loved is the sweetest revenge of all.


The crowd parts as a lone figure stalks out from one of the side rooms. A nondescript gray hoodie covers his face, but from the few gasps of those closest to the action, they know who he is. When he makes it to the center of the ring to stand by Kieran, Rosie and I use each other as leverage to perch on our toes for a better view.

Slowly, almost as if he both dreads and relishes this part, Jason lowers the hood, exposing his face to the crowd. Just as jeers break out, he continues to disrobe until he's wearing nothing but a pair of faded, ripped jeans.

Silence descends on the basement.

"Oh my God," Rosie breathes. "I don't even like dick, but my panties are absolutely drenched right now."

I can't get my lungs working enough to respond, but I concur. All his time in the gym has paid off in dividends. Every inch of Jason's torso is corded with thick muscle. He could give any of the football team, wrestling team, basketball team...hell, any team a run for their money.

About the Author:
Kata lives in the suburbs of Pittsburgh with her husband and three children.

When she isn't in the writing cave, she's cheering on her favorite sports teams:
the Pitt Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Pittsburgh Pirates. It's good to be a Steel City girl.

Connect with Kata:

Young Love

Young Love by Alyson Santos IS NOW AVAILABLE!

"Such a perfect, messy, real romance. THIS IS HOW ROMANCE SHOULD BE WRITTEN!" - Lynn Vroman, Author of Into the Hollow

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Sometimes you need to let yourself fall…

Recently divorced Sienna Porter has the life she’s supposed to. A house, career, even a hot young contractor working upstairs to distract her. At thirty-eight, she’s entitled to a little fun (according to her best friend, anyway).

Pain, though— it’s so clever in the way it infects hope and poisons happiness.

Jace Beckett should be flying high. Talented, driven, and disciplined, he’s far beyond his twenty-three years. He’s used to the game, the attention his looks and highly-trained body get from women.

Doesn’t mean he likes to play.

Doesn’t mean his own secrets aren’t intent on tearing him down.

It’s just a fling. Sexy. Temporary. It’s not supposed to last. It’s not supposed to transform into love. It’s certainly not supposed to become the air you breathe and everything worth fighting for.

About the Author:

I’m a writer, musician, and cat lover. I also have an alternative music obsession. Seriously, it’s a real problem.

I write what needs to come out, whether it’s pain, tears, or laughter. I write people and relationships, about the beauty and horror of what we do to ourselves and each other. I write Love. Vengeance. Compassion. Cruelty. Trust. Betrayal. Forgiveness. Darkness, and the incredible way humans destroy and heal each other.

I like to eradicate barriers, refusing to be confined by the laws of physics or limitations of reality. I will befriend a vast population of possibilities and introduce them in ways that might surprise you.

Connect with Alyson!

Bad Days





Bad Days-Final-ebook 

  Jason Lee is the friend everyone would like to have. He’s loyal, sensitive and generous and kind to those he loves. He has dedicated himself completely to his work at the pub that he manages with his friends, who have by now become a second family to him. He is trying to make sense out of a life that is damaged by loss and pain, closing himself into his safe haven of a world that is far removed from his previous suffering, and he is determined not to lose any more than he already has. Alex McBride returns to Dublin, having been away for five years. She finds her old house, goes to places familiar to her when she grew up there with her friends, but nothing is like it used to be. Coming back is never easy, especially if your absence is responsible for the slow destruction of someone else’s life, someone you had hoped to forget but who actually remained exactly where he was, like an open wound that continues to bleed. Jason and Alex find each other together again after a long separation: they’ve been friends, confidants and conspirators but now they’re forced to reconcile a past that has never stopped hurting and a future impossible for them to live out together, because there’s something that could separate them, and this time, they might be parted forever.

Bad Days RD

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July 17




A.S. Kelly was born in Italy but lives in Ireland with her husband, their two children and a cat named Oscar. Bookworm, music passionate, coffee drinker, she lives in a small village in the North of Dublin, where she looks for inspiration for her new stories.


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