Monday, July 31, 2017

Krystal Clear


Krystal Clear 
by Claire Lalique 
Series: Shattered #2 
Genre: romantic suspense



They thought their lives were settled. They were wrong. After rescuing Krystal from the Rattler Kings MC, Samuel promised to love and protect her forever. She trusted him to keep her safe. Then, the Favoloras Cartel roared into town, declaring blood debt. They had to run. How can you keep someone safe when there’s danger at every turn?

Purchase it for 99c!

Book One is FREE on Smashwords

Author bio

Claire feels like she sprang into existence, a full blown personality, just like her books. She believes she is made from her imaginary dragons that lived in her closet when she was eight, her half feral imaginary friend, Jennifer, who lived in the Girl Scout Camp woods when she was ten and finally started growing up with her Water Brothers when she was sixteen. Claire has had many living reincarnations in her life time before becoming an author. She has been a poet, a healer, midwife, nurse, artisan, mother, grandmother, wife and lover. She and her dear husband (he claims she rescued him, she says it was the other way around) live with their four rescue birds, three rescue dogs and one rescue fish in the wilds of Tennessee in a house with at least two ghosts.

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Guardian Angel

Middle Grade / Young Adult
Date Published: 6/2013

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Markus Simmons, a 13-year-old 8th-grader, wants to hang with the cool kids. When his social studies class begins a Holocaust project, some A-listers befriend him to get him to work with them so they can have access to his Oma, who was in Auschwitz, and he discovers that there are Holocaust deniers in the world, one of whom is in his class. Then someone identifies his Oma as having played a criminal role during the Holocaust, and he has to reconcile his love for his grandmother, his desire to work with the cool kids, and his anger at the deniers and the others who attack his grandmother.

About the Author

William McCauley was born and grew up in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC, in a delightful little town called Vienna. His B.A. in German and M.A. in English are from George Mason University, and at the ripe old age of 29, he "ran away from home" to do doctoral work in linguistics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. After two years, his Wanderlust attacked again, and he trekked on down to Miami, FL, where he did more doctoral work at the University of Miami. Then the powers that be at The German School Washington, where he had taught English for six years, tracked him down and asked him to come back. That brought him back to the DC area, where he taught at the German School for another eighteen years. He finished his career in education at the end of school year 14-15, retiring after ten years as a Gifted and Talented Education specialist with Howard County Public Schools in Maryland. Now all he wants to do is write – and read.

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Reading Addiction Blog Tours


by Garon Whited
Genre: SciFi, Fantasy, Dystopian

"It's the end of the world, and I have the best seat in the house." 

Armageddon has arrived. It's not as bad as we thought. 

The world is in trouble.
Correction. The world is ending and soon. The last days are coming and humanity is unable to stop it. Naturally, humanity has a backup plan.

Welcome to the Moon, where the air is thin, life is hard, and the Earth isn't fit to live on.
Now, how can we make things better?

Luna is Garon Whited's science fiction and fantasy story of one man surviving the end of the world despite it's many obvious obstacles and his attempt to save some of humanity. 

From the very first line, "Luna" grabs the reader. Where most books start with a world in trouble and ride the story on in to the Last Days, "Luna" starts with the ultimate end of the world and flies forward into the future.

The end of the world has never been quite so entertaining. Crushing despair, soaring hope, and the stubborn determination of humanity all come together in a story told by a man in the middle of it all.

Welcome to the Moon, the new home of humanity.

Garon Whited was supposedly born in either 1969 or 1970; the original birth certificate is suspiciously unavailable and other records do not agree. 

After spending some years in college playing with computers, he finally joined a radical group of jellyfish herding nomads. Having fought zombie dolphins, quasi-corporeal spirits, and brain-sucking mole rats, he is uniquely qualified to write fantastic fiction. His subsequent attempts at professional salsa repairman and ley line salesman met with similar success. He claims to live in Texarkana, on Earth, but people have been known to disagree.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!


Title: Wasted
Series: Steel Country #3
Author: MJ Fields
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 24, 2017
Cover Designer: Jersey Girl & Co 

Haunted and hidden.

Mysterious and sexy, Grayson Falcon steers clear of commitment in all forms. He takes the road less traveled, avoiding the demons of his past and the nightmares they cause. 

He uses his good looks and country charm to attain pleasure, but it is always a short-lived reprieve.

Sweet and scarred.

Once believing that love can conquer all, Mandee Carlain’s life was then turned upside down and inside out. Her beauty queen good looks and sweet smile always caught the eye of the wrong kind of man. However, as a survivor, she still holds on to hope that one day she will come face to face with the man whose whispered words will give her strength to still believe.

What happens when the hopeless find hope the wrong time?

Love is...Wasted.

When I have made peace with my anger, released it in tears and screams and allowed my body to float and release the tension, I simply float, eyes closed, kicking my feet ever so often, moving my arms when I feel I should and allow myself to drift toward reality’s shores.

I feel my foot drag across the lake’s floor and sigh as I push my feet down and stand, opening my eyes.

I gasp when I see him, Grayson, standing on the gravel, my dress over his shoulder and a towel in his hand. His square jaw, peppered with a few days’ worth of growth and slightly lighter than that on his head, his jaw is tight, and I see the muscles in it working. His eyes are so deeply connected to mine it renders me almost unmoving.

The way he looks at me is unrecognizable. Angry? Annoyed?

When his eyes leave mine after what seems like an eternity, then move to my lips, I wonder if there is something on them. Then they slowly, very slowly, move down my body. At this moment, I remember I am in a bra and panties, in front of Grayson Falcon, sexiest man alive.

I quickly sink down to a seated position and curl into myself, hiding myself, incredibly insecure and horrifically embarrassed.

“You’re blue, Mandee, and blue isn’t a good color on you. Come on; get up out of there.”

USA Today bestselling author MJ Fields write books that scorch pages and melt hearts.  

Her style is raw, gritty and authentic.

Love an alpha and a strong heroine? She does too.