Title: Pick (The Recoil Rock Series #1)
Author: KE Osborn
Genre: Rocker Romance
“This is the first I have read by this author and she wrote my dream book!! Rockers and MC books are my absolute favorites. This combines them, Perfectly!! Danger a cocky, hot rocker with a broken heart. Yep I completely melted!!! I am excited to see that this a spinoff of two other series. That is what will get me through the wait!” - 5 Stars - Goodreads Reviewer
“This book is about learning lessons and not judging anyone on their past. But it's also about about mending a broken heart and not being frightened to start again. I am really looking forward to the next installment of this series as, as ever the journey you go on in one of K.E Osborn books is one of epic proportions. A fantastic read.” - 5 Stars - Goodreads Reviewer
“Why...yesss...Just the way I love my rockers and this rockers name is Danger!!! Sooo all the more to love about him with that bad ass name..right?? lol Boy...let me tell you, this book was sooo good!” - 5 Stars - Goodreads Reviewer
“Hey Adelaide, we’re Recoil, and we’re gonna blow your fucking minds!” he calls out and the crowd laughs, even some people cheer. Danger furrows his brows like he was expecting everyone to erupt into a frenzy of elation or something. He nods back to the drummer, and he kicks in the beat and then the music begins. As it filters off through the bar, the sound is amazing, euphoric even. It flows through me making the hairs on my arm stand to attention. Their sound is electrifying, and I love it.
Danger steps up to the mic and what happens next sets my soul on fire. His voice echoes through the mic and sweeps into my pores, flooding my veins, filling me up with warmth, like smooth honey being dripped all over me and then he’s licking it off so sexually it’s driving me crazy. I can’t even imagine how someone’s voice can sound so erotic, and so haunting, and so goddamned perfect at the same time. He’s mesmerizing, and as I stare at him moving around the stage and commanding that everyone pay attention, the entire room shifts and watches.
All eyes are on the band as the area fills with an electrical charge that flows through the air, flicking from one person to the next, connecting us all with the way he sings the lyrics and the energy he performs with. This guy’s a magician, and he has us all under his spell.
Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.
Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry and get completely enveloped in the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.
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