Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Countdown Blitz - Day 11

Cindy Roland Anderson is an Amazon best selling author who writes clean, contemporary romance with a combination of humor, romantic tension and some pretty great kissing scenes. She and her husband live in northern Utah, and are parents to five children, and grandparents to six adorable grandchildren. She is a registered nurse and has worked in the NICU as well as the newborn nursery. She loves to read, almost as much as she loves writing. And she loves chocolate…probably a little too much.

Connect with the Author here: 

Lucy Phillips doesn’t want to spend her Christmas vacation dodging her ex-boyfriend, so when he turns up at the airport to give her a ride home, Lucy panics and asks a complete stranger to kiss her. Although the kiss is incredible, Lucy never expects to see the guy again. 

Is it bad luck or destiny when Lucy comes down with a sore throat and the new doctor in Snow Valley is none other than Cole Taggart, the guy she kissed at the airport?


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The line moved forward, and Lucy could feel the warmth radiating from the tent. Neither of them spoke again until they’d made it inside. 
Cole looked around and frowned. “At least now I know where everyone buys their Christmas decorations. Snow Valley really goes all out, don’t they?”

“I know. Isn’t it great.”

He eyed her skeptically. “If you say so.”

“What’s not to like?” They made their way to one of the booths that had beautiful handmade quilts and wall hangings. 

“I’m just not that into Christmas.”

Lucy stopped and stared at him. “How can you not be into Christmas? It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

“Not for me. It’s my least favorite holiday.”

“Do you have your stethoscope with you?”

Puzzled, he shook his head. “No. Why do you need it?”

“I just wanted to verify you have a heart.”

Cole smiled. “That was actually kind of funny.”

“I’m serious. How can you not like Christmas?” It occurred to her that he may have grown up in poverty. Maybe that’s why he hated it. “Is it because you never got anything as a child?” she asked hesitantly.

He snorted a laugh. “Nope. My parents made sure everyone knew how much money we had by the elaborate gifts they gave me and to one another each year.”

“Christmas is about more than getting stuff.” She pointed out a beautiful wall hanging depicting the nativity. “What about the birth of the Savior?”

“I’m not a heathen, Lucy.” His eyes softened. “Believe it or not, I’m a believer who actually goes to church regularly and not just on Christmas Eve.”

“There may be hope, then.”

“Hope for what?” 

She reached out and took his gloved hand in hers, and led him back outside the tent. “I’m going to save you from becoming the only world’s living heart donor.” 

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