Holly Kelly is a mom who writes books in her spare time: translation--she hides in the bathroom with her laptop and locks the door while the kids destroy the house and smear peanut butter on the walls. She was born in Utah but moved around a bit, living in Kansas, Texas, and Hawaii where she studied marine biology. She's now back in Utah--"happy valley". She's married to a wonderful husband, James, and they are currently raising 6 rambunctious children. Her interests are reading, writing (or course), martial arts, visual arts, creating Halloween props, and spending time with family.
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Twenty-two years later, Fae is hiding in plain sight at a local college. She’s is determined to leave the past behind her and live a normal life. But for one dying man, the search for the Fountain of Youth continues, and he is leaving a trail of blood and mutilated bodies in his wake. Unfortunately, that trail leads directly to Fae. Her only hope is a young, new college professor, also known as Special Agent Nick Chase of the FBI. Nick is determined to do two things: keep Fae alive, and keep his relationship with his student professional. Both of these jobs prove difficult—especially when love and magic get involved.

Q & A with the Author:
1. Tell us about
things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides
writing? I enjoy creating and building Halloween props. My favorites are
life-sized statues of angels, reapers, etc. There's just so much satisfaction
in turning newspaper, duct tape, pvc pipe, old sheets, styrofoam, drywall mud,
and paint into a work of art.
2. When did you first
realize you were an author? I called myself an author when I
finished and polished my first book.
3. Have you done anything
writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a
lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you? Writing blog articles
about topics that matter is very rewarding. The one that really sticks out in
my mind is when I helped my daughter write about her experiences being bullied.
It was important to her in not only getting the word out but, in helping her
come to terms with the emotional and physical abuse she endured that left her
blind in one eye.
4. What is the thing
you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it? The
hardest thing is balancing writing, work, and family time. If I wanted to take
the easy way out, I'd stop writing. But I can't do that. I feel compelled to
write. So I do it early in the morning--before everyone wakes up. I really wish
I could write during the work day, but right now my circumstances don't allow
it. I try not to complain. What better way to start the day than writing a
chapter in a book!
5. What is the
“message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage
old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in
different books?) I want people to be swept up in my adventure and
romance--only later to realize that it didn't have foul language and sexual
content. I want them to say, "Wow, the story was so good, I didn't even
miss it." I hope I'm accomplishing that.
6. What are your
thoughts/feelings on ebook vs. print book? I prefer print books myself, but my
biggest money maker is the ebook. And I do have to admit, it's just so handy to
download a book and have it ready to read in that moment.
7. How many books do
you have out? Are you planning a specific number altogether, either in
this series or separately? I have five books out right now. I just finished
another series this year called The Rising Series that contained four books.
Cursed by the Fountain of Youth is the first in my next series called The
Unnatural States of America. I have at least three books planned, but there may
be more. They are written to be stand-alones that occur in the same world. The
first book and the second book take place over two hundred years apart, so it's
not a series with continuations--though you will see common characters and
threads in each of the books.
8. Are your
characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life? Yes, they are.
I do love history, so I like to tie true history into the stories. I even
decided to put a History Behind the Mystery section at the end of the books.
9. What are your future
projects? My next book will be called Beauty and the Headless Horseman. It's a
novel that links together two stories. The plot will resemble Beauty and the
Beast, but the world will be the world of Sleepy Hollow. And the love interests
will be the most fascinating of all and quite a challenge. I will be writing a
love story between a girl and a living, severed head. I literally cannot wait
to get immersed in that story!
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