Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Molly Part Two

Title: Molly Part Two
Series: Angel #1
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: August 2, 2016


After months of fighting their feelings for each other Molly and Ryan have at last decided to make a go of it but will the actions of the guy Molly has been seeing ruin that before it has really started?

As Molly chases after Ryan will she be able to convince him that she is fed up of fighting the connection between and that she is truly ready to start a serious relationship with him despite all her insecurities that keep rearing their ugly heads?

Can Ryan prove to Molly that despite the past she is the only one for him even when his mother starts interfering and tries to break them apart by using Molly’s biggest fears against her?

As a couple will they be able to deal with the unexpected events life throws at them and come out the other side stronger than ever?

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“Oh my god, we have a hot tub!”

I feel him walk up behind me before he engulfs me in his arms. “Yes we do. Fancy trying it out?”

“Hell yes!” I say moving towards the door so we can go and check it out. Ryan lets me go and follows. He removes the lid and turns the underwater lights on.

“You go and get ready while I tidy up the kitchen and pour us some bubbly that we didn’t get to earlier.”

“Okay,” I say rushing off to the bedroom to find a bikini, I don’t remember seeing one when I unpacked but Ryan seems to have thought of everything so it will be here somewhere.

After five minutes of hunting through our cases I give up. “Ryan,” I shout. Moments later he’s in the doorway.

“What’s up gorgeous?”

“I can’t find a bikini, did you pack one?”

“Oh damn, I must have forgot,” he says with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Whoops!”

I place my hands on my hips and glare at him. “Whoops?” I question.

“Guess we’ll just have to go in naked,” he shrugs trying to play it cool.

“Yeah, I guess we will,” I say as I pull my top over my head. When I look back at him I can see his eyes have darkened significantly as he takes in my topless state. I quickly remove my trousers and knickers before grabbing a robe that is hanging in our wardrobe and draping it over my arm. “Are you just going to stand there staring, Ry, or are you going to join me?” I question as I walk past him and out to the decking making sure my hips swing seductively as I go.

When I get to the hot tub I see that he has already put the bottle of champagne on the side in a cooler and two glasses along with a couple of cans of beer for him. I just get settled in one of the moulded seats when Ryan appears in the doorway of the bedroom completely naked. He just stands there and stares at me with a smirk on his face. I can’t help myself, I move over to the edge of the hot tub, rest my chin on my hands on the side and appreciate the work of art in front of me. I slowly take him in head to toe, and back up again! His hair is a total mess from where I was running my hands through it earlier. I move my eyes over his broad shoulders, down his sculpted torso towards his slim waist. My mouth waters at sight of his very obvious excitement before I make my way down his strong thighs and to his feet. I make my way back in at the same speed feeling my heart rate increase and my clit start to throb as I take in every inch of him and commit it to memory. When I make it back up to his eyes I see they are dark with lust and he is biting his bottom lip.

“Finished?” he asks.

“Never! But I think I need to use my hands to ensure what I’m seeing is real.” He quirks an eyebrow at me and slowly starts making his way in my direction. The closer he gets the faster my heart beats.

Author Bio

Tracy Lorraine is fast approaching thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband and slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she had dreamt up. Molly has been in production for a while now but at last Tracy feels she is ready to be set free.

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