Title: Dawson's Mate (Lumbercats)
Author:Penny Anglene
Genre: Paranormal/Shifter
Release Date: August 24, 2023
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.
I've waited eight years for her to be ready for me. I know she is my fated mate. I knew from day one. Now things have changed and she isn't getting anymore time. Her parents are dead and someone is out to hurt her. I will not stand for that. Will she accept me as I am or will I lose her. Either way I have to stop the attempts on her life. My name is Dawson and LIzzy is my heart.
Penny Anglene has lived in four different states, but now resides in Kentucky. She has a wonderful and supportive husband, two boys and two amazing grand babies. When her house isn’t full of family, its being overrun by three outrageous fur babies.
At the early age of twelve, Penny started reading her late mother’s Harlequin books, which encouraged her love of reading. Her mother is one of the reasons she started writing.
Penny loves to sit and think up stories. One day something just clicked and she begin writing. She planned to write one book just to say she did it, but was told she would get hooked on writing. They were right. Penny hopes you enjoy her books as much as she enjoys writing them.
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