Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Malliko by Elin Peer is now live!

FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Humans are taught that they’re alone in the Universe. That’s a lie.

When our ancestors realized their planet was dying, they evacuated to find new homes throughout the Universe. Earth was one of those new homes. Each group of settlers developed differently according to the new environment but most of the Descendants of Doom still look similar. With humans being less technologically advanced and still unaware of alien life, Earth is classified as a protected planet that requires special permit to visit.

Malliko, a speciologist from Eidrona gets the rare chance to study the fascinating humans. His assignment is to research how dating and breeding habits have changed since the last report was made by the Federation. He's eager to find out if the many rumors about humans are true. Do humans hold the greatest range of emotions among the descendants of doom? And is it really true that they lost the ability to communicate through telepathy?

When interviewing Clara, a human woman who works as a moderator on a dating app, Malliko sees an opportunity to do some field research and makes her an offer.

Screwed over by her ex, Clara lost her trust in men and hasn’t dated for years. Longing to be brave and try new things, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that is long overdue. Never could she imagine that the tall and handsome man whom she's beginning to trust hides the biggest lie of all. He's not even human.

Malliko is the first book in bestselling author Elin Peer’s new sci-fi romance series called Descendants of Doom. If you like her Men of the North series, you’ll love this series which brings you fast paced entertainment and a new perspective on humanity.

About the Author:

With a background in life coaching, Elin is easy to talk to.

Her fans rave about her unique writing style that has subtle elements of coaching mixed into fictional love stories with happy endings.

Elin is curious by nature. She likes to explore and can tell you about trekking through the Asian jungle, watching the sunset in the Sahara Desert, sailing down the Nile in Egypt, kayaking in Alaska, river rafting in Indonesia, and flying over Greenland in a helicopter.

After traveling the world and living in different countries, Elin recently moved back to her home country Denmark after spending ten years in Seattle, USA.

She now lives in a cozy, yellow, witch’s cottage where she writes books with her talented daughter Pearl Beacon.

Want to connect with Elin? Great, she loves to hear from her readers. Find her on Facebook (Author Elin Peer), connect with her on Goodreads or simply go to her website and send an email.

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