Title: Hollywood Love: Rogue and Ivy Book 2
Series: The A-List Rebels #3
Author: Misti Murphy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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Tell me a secret…
The man of my dreams is falling for me and it’s everything I’ve wished for since the first time I saw him.
He’s charming and popular; impossibly gorgeous.
Women want him.
Men want to be him.
His fans worship him.
And me… I love him.
But I never really thought it was possible that he could feel the same. He’s a famous celebrity and I’m—I’m no one.
Just shy Ivy Love, hiding in the background behind my makeup and costumes.
Waiting for the ground to open and swallow me whole, before anyone notices me.
But he saw me. He sees me.
Somehow… behind my mask.
If only I weren't being forced to betray him.
The man of my dreams is falling for me and it’s everything I’ve wished for since the first time I saw him.
He’s charming and popular; impossibly gorgeous.
Women want him.
Men want to be him.
His fans worship him.
And me… I love him.
But I never really thought it was possible that he could feel the same. He’s a famous celebrity and I’m—I’m no one.
Just shy Ivy Love, hiding in the background behind my makeup and costumes.
Waiting for the ground to open and swallow me whole, before anyone notices me.
But he saw me. He sees me.
Somehow… behind my mask.
If only I weren't being forced to betray him.
Hollywood Rebel
Hollywood Rogue
Misti Murphy is a sadistic b*tch who loves to emotionally torture fictional people. If she did that in real life she'd probably end up in prison or a psych ward so she prefers to create dirty talking alphas and the sexually frustrated women who fall into their beds. And if someone needs to be smacked upside the head before f*cking turns to love then that makes her very happy indeed.
She's a huge believer in flaws making us human, and that not everyone likes bacon. She's also addicted to chocolate and scared of the effects of the coming shortage. She swears like a f*cking trooper, and thinks that graphic smuttiness should be as real in fiction as it is in real life.
When she's not writing she's the perfect housewife and mother. Ha bloody ha! When she's not writing she's hiding in a cupboard with her kindle, scoffing chocolate, and stalking facebook.
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