Title: Twisted Devil
Series: Quentin Security Series
Author: Morgan James
Genre: Romantic Suspense Novella
Release Date: November 18, 2021
During the course of my career working for the FBI, I’ve learned that there’s no shortage of evil in the world. But occasionally we find something good, something worth fighting for. When a case takes me out of my way one morning, I spy Chloe behind the counter of a local coffee shop. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sweet smile that lights up my dark world, I know she’s meant for me.
Suddenly, she’s gone without a trace, abducted from the parking lot after her shift. There are no clues. No eye witnesses. And each minute that passes narrows the window of opportunity to bring her back to me safely. The clock is ticking, and I don’t have a single second to lose…
(Warning: Includes depictions of abduction, attempted rape, and other situations that may be uncomfortable for some readers.)
Morgan James is the international bestselling author of contemporary and romantic suspense novels. She spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book, and she loves all things romantic, dark, and dirty. When not writing, she loves to garden and bake. Morgan resides in Northeast Ohio with her own alpha hero and two kids.
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