Tame by Colet Abedi
Publication Date: April 16th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance

In many ways, she still is one. That sweet, sheltered good girl may look like a walking orgasm, but I know she’s innocent.
Too innocent for me, the renowned British playboy.
It’s ironic, isn’t it, that I’m the one spending my career in philanthropy while she toils away as a barista. The heiress to her own fortune, she’s terrible at this job. It’s all wrong for her.
But then so am I.
So why did I offer to hire her?
Because I want her close to me.
Under my control.
And in my bed.
It’s not like Abby’s going to tame me. Right?

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Fifteen Years
I fell in love
with Michael Sinclair when I was eight years old.
I can even
remember the exact moment.
After years of
being alone after the death of my father, my mother married one of the most
eligible bachelors in London - Charles Edward Dalton Sinclair. He was wealthy,
had an incredible pedigree, and adored my mother.
What was more, he
also happened to have a son who was five years my senior. I was thrilled I was
finally going to have a sibling. An older, protective brother. One who would
cherish and look out for me. It was something I had dreamt about my whole life
and it seemed as though my wish had finally been granted.
But God had a
different plan.
My new
stepbrother, Davis Sinclair, would quickly become the bane of my adolescent
My curse. He was everything but brotherly and caring.
In fact, I quickly
became convinced he was the Antichrist.
After our parent’s
marriage, I soon realized his biggest pleasure in life came from teasing me
mercilessly and making me cry. Davis liked to see people suffer. There was a
sickening type of joy that came over him when he saw someone’s pain. Since I
was so young and naïve , I played right into my stepbrother’s evil
machinations. It wasn’t until I was much older that I finally stopped the tears
and learned the art of feigning indifference, which in turn, made Davis
thankfully leave me alone.
But during my younger
years, while I depended on my tears as a source of comfort, Davis’ cousin,
Michael Sinclair was there to protect me.
I’ll never forget
the moment he stepped into my life like a knight in shining armor when I was
only eight, and he was sixteen.
It was a beautiful
summer day in Surrey and I was outside playing with my dolls at my stepfather’s
country estate.
“Shabby Abby!”
Davis screamed at me in a shrill voice as I cried over the injustice of such an
awful nickname. “Shabby Abby, are you crying like the flabby baby you are?”
He circled me and
stuck out his tongue.
I covered my ears
with my hands and tried to block out his tormenting words.
“Leave me alone!”
I cried out.
“Shabby Abby!”
Davis shouted with glee. “Shabby Abby, you’re so flabby! Flabby Shabby Abby!
Flabby Shabby Abby!”
Looking back now,
I must admit, I was on the flabby side.
To my mother’s
horror, I was a chubby child, so much so, that she had put me on a strict diet.
Unfortunately, it ended up backfiring, because it turned me into a closet
eater. Chocolate, potato chips and fattening baked goods became my constant
companion in the hiding spaces I would sneak off to. I stole food from the
pantry whenever no one was paying attention to me, which wasn’t so great for my
mother’s plan, because it just so happened no one ever paid any
attention to me at all.
So there I was,
surrounded by my dolls, remnants of cookie crumbs littered all over my
uncomfortably tight pink dress, wishing Davis would somehow magically
And that’s when
something even better than his disappearance happened.
“What’s going on
out here?”
The sun was
glaring in my eyes as I squinted up to see who had joined Davis. If it were one
of his hideous friends, I was ready to take my dolls and go inside the house for
a few hours and hide inside a dressing closet where they wouldn’t be able to
find me.
“I’m here with
Flabby Shabby Abby!” Davis declared proudly as he pointed at me like I was
There was a break
from the bright sunlight as the clouds moved, and it was at that moment I
stared into Michael Sinclair’s piercing blue eyes for the very first time.
He seemed as tall
as the sun. And just as handsome as all the fairy-tale heroes I read about at
He leaned down
next to me and took in my sad face. He reached out and brushed my cheek with
the back of his large hand and gave me a sympathetic smile.
“Are you okay,
“Are you Prince
Charming?” I asked in awe. “Are you here to save me from my evil stepbrother?”
He smiled at me.
“Do you need saving?”
“I do,” I told him
as I nodded my head. “He’s very mean to me.”
“He is?” Michael
asked sympathetically as I nodded.
“He makes me cry,”
I admitted softly.
“Shut up, Flabby
Abby!” Davis sneered. “You talk too much!”
Michael gave me a
sweet smile before standing to his full height and turning his attention to my
“You need to stop
teasing our Abby,” Michael told him sternly.
I watched Michael
with wide eyes, half in love with him already.
“Or what?” Davis
sneered at him. “What will you do?”
“Punch you in the
face,” Michael informed him.
Davis shook his
head and laughed, then for good measure stepped close to me and leaned in so
that his face was only inches from mine.
“Shabby. Flabby.
Abby,” he taunted me again. Except this time he crossed a line he was warned
not to go near.
It happened so
One second Davis
was leaning in so close I could feel his breath on my skin and the next he was
lifted up away from me and punched soundly in the face.
I watched in
happiness as he flew through the sky and landed with a thud on the ground, a
good distance away from me.
Michael Sinclair
descended, loomed over him like an imposing young demigod and grabbed him
angrily by his collar.
“You’ve been
warned, Davis.”
Davis was too
frightened to move. He could only nod his head in acknowledgment before he ran
off like the devil was chasing him.
Michael turned to
face me when Davis was gone and gave me the most beautiful smile I had ever
seen in my life.
“If he bothers you
again, Abigail,” he said to me, “I will beat him to a bloody pulp.”
And just like
I finally had a
I decided right
then and there when I grew up I would marry Michael Sinclair.

About the Author:
Colet is a native of California, graduated with a B.A. in English literature from the University of California at Irvine, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three dogs.
Connect with the Author:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1JBNukb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColetAbedi
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