Friday, June 21, 2024

The Last Leviathan

Title: The Last Leviathan
Series: The Guardians of Farlight Isles #1
Author: Anacostia Miller
Genre: Romantasy
Tropes: Runaway Bride, First Love
Older Man/Younger Woman
Release Date: June 21, 2024


Maeve Cross never felt like a princess. She didn’t belong in a high tower, married off to the highest bidder. She ached for freedom. A longing for the sea that she didn’t understand. After being pushed over the edge, she runs, taking her destiny in her own hands for the first time in her life.

She stows away on a pirate ship because she would rather walk the plank than share her awful husband’s bed.

Captain Leviathan has three goals in life: keep his crew alive, fill their pockets, and protect them from the Cross family of tyrants. He never accounted for Maeve. Not once.

They can’t help themselves by the bonds of fate that tie them together. Not even as they deny each other their attraction.

After all, a tyrant’s daughter and a scorned captain couldn’t possibly work. Could it?

But fate has other plans as the mysteries surrounding Farlight Isles start to unravel like a loose thread. Every new thread leaves Maeve questioning everything her father taught her as it challenges her own identity.

Despite it all, Maeve saw that the only constant…was Captain Leviathan.




Anacostia Miller is a novelist and screenwriter with a background in filmmaking and prop creation. After ten years of writing and two years of ghostwriting, she found her niche in romantasy. She loves exploring different themes like found family and showcasing inclusivity.

World-building and developing intricate histories in her novels are some of her favorite things to do. She also grew up on classics like The Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which have inspired her writing. Developing complicated lore and having moments of happiness are vital to the stories. Also, humor plays a big part. As dark as things will get, readers can always hold out for that moment of happiness to make it worth it.

During her days, you can find her trying out a new recipe to figure out how to describe it in her writing, daydreaming, or annoying her husband by telling him exactly how the lighting conveys emotion in every movie they watch together.


Title: Repulse
Author: Lesley Jones
Genre: Contemporary MFM Romance
Tropes: Insta-lust/Cheating/Forbidden
Billionaire/Secrets/Different Worlds
Release Date: June 21, 2024


A weekend stripped of her inhibitions was all bored housewife, Mila was looking for.

It was never meant to become what it did.

But the two seductive strangers unlocked more than just her base desires with their very first caress.

The forehead kisses, their gentleness, the way they call her ‘Mils’, the care and consideration to her needs, has emotions rising to the surface she’s spent her life hidden behind a very carefully constructed wall.

All leaving her wondering how she’s going to return to her cold, uncaring husband, and her loveless marriage, in a small country town.

When events in her life take yet another unexpected turn and shocking secrets are revealed, Mila’s offered a way out, but no one and nothing is as it seems, leaving her unsure of who she can trust.

Choices have to be made, and she’s no idea which is the right one.



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Lesley Jones was born and raised in Essex, England but moved to Australia in 2006 with her family. Her first book, Saviour, was published in 2013 and she quickly gained a reputation as a writer of gritty, down to earth characters, involved in angsty and emotional plot lines. Carnage, her third novel, made a number of lists, and won a number of awards for ‘Best Ugly Cry’. Her readers love the fact that she can switch her stories from hot and steamy, to snot bubble ugly crying, followed by laugh out loud moments, in the space of a few sentences. She has declared that the very best part of her job is meeting her readers and has travelled the world a number of times over the past few years to do exactly that. Lesley is a big fan of wearing pyjamas at any time of day, but not a fan of wearing a bra, unless absolutely necessary.

When not writing, she has admitted to being a prolific reader, getting through around four or five books a week. She is a fan of trashy reality TV, listening to music, watching her son play football, spicy food and enjoys a glass of wine… or three.

Rose Moon


Join us for the cover reveal of Rose Moon by Heidi Adams. Fans who love Forbidden Romances will devour this sexy, paranormal romantasy. Keep scrolling for more details about this sexy cover.

Title: Rose Moon

Author: Heidi Adams

Release Date: 10/17/2024

Genres: Paranormal Romance, Romantasy

Word Count: 107,000 words

Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Tortured Hero, Cinnamon Roll Hero, Secret Romance, Fated Love, Fish out of Water, Family Conflict, Self-Discovery

What secrets do we keep to protect the one we love? What lies do we tell, and what are we willing to sacrifice? Karter Quint has the perfect life: star athlete, gifted pianist, straight A-student, handsome and charismatic, he seems fated for success. What nobody knows is that he has battled debilitating episodes during which a strange force invades his mind and body. The only place where Karter truly feels at ease is at his grandfather’s house on the water in Cliff Island, Maine. There, he meets a mysterious girl named Ella and has an instant obsession. He learns that she is a Meridian, or mermaid. Karter and Ella find themselves connected on a higher level—a level that neither understands. They begin a heated and intense romance constrained by their limiting circumstances. However, loving Ella comes at a cost. Karter must take extreme measures of secrecy to protect her, straining relationships with his family and friends well into his adult life.

Rose Moon is an emotional and epic love story, and the first in a paranormal romance series, that will keep you guessing until the very end.


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About Heidi Adams

Hi! My name is Heidi Adams, and I write wherever my characters guide me, which is mostly romance! A little paranormal/fantasy, a little contemporary, sometimes even a little dark. My characters take me on journeys that push me to the edge of my emotions with toe-curling passion, heart-pounding suspense that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and a ride full of twists and turns...but passion and love are always the driving force behind my characters and the heart of their stories. I love LOVE! And when I write, I escape into a world that love conquers all, even in the darkest of hours.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Crimson Fate

Title: Crimson Fate
Series: Crimson Red Book #1
Author: C.L. Reeder
Genre/Tropes: Dark Romance/Dark and Twisty Plot/Secrets/Dark Revenge Romance 
Release Date: July 17, 2024
Cover Design: Katelyn from Design by Kage

An invitation will change Rowan Arlo’s life forever.

Fueled by a desire for vengeance and retribution against those who betrayed her, Rowan is caught off guard by the unexpected presence of Luca Stonewall.

Her life veers into uncharted territory, and she must navigate the unpredictable twists and turns that lie in wait.

Will she find a way to escape the darkness and enter the light, or will fate have other plans for her?

C.L. Reeder lives in Texas with her husband, two grown-ish kids, and too many animals. Crimson Fate is her first novel. Her hobbies include thrifting, going to yard sales, and coffee shops. She has met no shop in the categories listed above that she didn’t like. She loves all things witchy. When she’s not working, she can be found at home with her husband, trying to find something to watch…



Title: Iced
Series: Walker University #1
Author: Cala Riley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Opposites Attract/Friends to Lovers
Slow Burn/Found Family
Cover Design: Y'All. That Graphic.
Release Date: September 19, 2024


Being the star player on the Walker Wolves has been everything I was working towards.
That is, until my grades slip, threatening to take it all from me.
I have to do something drastic to keep my dreams alive, so I hire a tutor.
That’s when I met her.
Grace Myers.
She is the complete opposite of me. Shy, innocent, kind.
She’s meant to tutor me on school, so why does it feel like she is schooling me on life?

I have spent half my life in love with Kellan Cooper, but he has never felt the same.
If friendship is all he can offer, it’s what I’ll take from him.
I thought life was simple.
Until I met him.
Clayton James.
He is everything I’ve always hated. Loud, arrogant, a player.
So why do I find myself unable to stop thinking about him and his lips?

When opposites attract, will they have a fairytale ending or are they destined to crash and burn?




Cala Riley, better known as Cala and Riley, are a pair of friends with a deep seated love of books and writing. Both Cala and Riley are happily married and each have children, Cala with the four-legged kind while Riley has a mixture of both two-legged and four. While they live apart, that does not affect their connection. They are the true definition of family. What started as an idea that quickly turned into a full-length book and a bond that will never end.

Royal Watch

Title: Royal Watch
Duet: Royal Watch Duet
Author: S. Marie
Genre/Tropes: Contemporary Romance; Enemies-to-lovers; forced proximity; love triangle; touch her and die; forbidden love; bodyguard romance; prince romance; royal intrigue 
Release Date: June 20, 2024
Cover Design: Sarah Hansen, OK Creations
Hardback Includes: NSFW Artwork

There are many stories about regular girls meeting a prince, falling in love, and living happily ever after…blah, blah, blah.

This is not that story.

As a lowly Baron’s daughter, I sit on the outskirts of the noble circle, watching the royal family from afar. Exactly where I’d rather be. To me that world was anything but magical or fantasy, their lives under a relentless microscope, controlled by traditions and expectations. I was the girl dreaming about becoming a veterinarian and surrounding myself with animals instead of people.

A wallflower who suddenly bloomed, I somehow nabbed the attention of the arrogant, but undeniably handsome, Theodore Alexander Philip Robert David Livingston.
The Prince of Great Victoria.
I never imagined falling in love with a prince, but I did.
When Theo comes back from the Royal Air Force with an extremely sexy, but extremely arrogant new bodyguard, Lennox Easton, everything is flipped upside down. Tattooed, mysterious, and cruel, our mutual hatred for each becomes even more complicated when I move into the palace, becoming the official girlfriend of Prince Theo, and now under Lennox’s watch.
Thrown in a society which controls my every move, social media viciously coming after me, and paparazzi looking for any juicy gossip, my world becomes a cage. Glided or not, my life becomes nothing like I imagined, I find myself turning to the very last person I should.
When family secrets start to surface from the past, old enemies come for revenge, along with black mail, forbidden love, and devastating revelations.
Everything is set to bring me down and even take my life.
I knew loving a prince would come with sacrifices, but when you give up everything …when does the fairytale become a nightmare?

Releasing July 18, 2024

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR S. Marie lives in the PNW with her dog Cooper, traveling and writing stories that are full of spice, angst, and emotional damage.