Title: Barefoot Chaos
Series: The Beach Squad Series
Author: Marika Ray
Genre: Contemporary Rom/Com
Release Date: April 19, 2018
Amazon Customer - “I want my own beach squad!”
Amazon Customer - “What do you get when you mix an uptight teacher with a laidback lifeguard? I can tell you it’s not what you’re expecting.”
Amazon Customer - “I love the Beach Squad series and the latest book “Barefoot Chaos”, is a love story about being happy with who you are and finding your soulmate who will always be by your side.”
I spend my days a buttoned up schoolteacher coordinating the CareDare program for my high school English students and my nights with my book boyfriends, not daring to think I could procure one in real life. It's precise, it's controlled....and boring as hell.
The tide shifts and I find myself with a hippie lifeguard who provokes me as much as he turns me on, a Senior class in upheaval, a crazy Beach Squad that wants to befriend me, a wild twin sister back in my business, and a public challenge to expose my long-held secret for the greater good.
Do I deduce this chaos is all serendipitous, meant to thrust me into my true place in the world? Ultimately, I have to decide if I can kick off my shoes, dig my toes in the sand, and trust in love again.
Marika Ray spends her time behind a computer crafting stories, walking the beaches of southern California scoping out the lifeguards, and making healthy food for her kids and husband whether they like it or not. Prior to writing novels, Marika held various jobs in the finance industry, with private start-up companies, and then in health & fitness. Cats may have nine lives, but Marika believes everyone should have nine careers to keep things spicy.
Marika enjoys writing all types of fiction novels, based on what inspires her. Right now she's working on stand-alone romances in the Beach Squad series, all about California lifeguards and their equally fearless women. Moderate suspense, a splash of humor, and lots of steamy romance...all with the beautiful ocean as a relaxing backdrop!
If you’d like to join the Beach Squad, getting access to frequent sneak peeks and access to Handcuffed Hussy (a novella in the Beach Squad series), simply sign up here: http://eepurl.com/db7W6z
More information can be found at www.marikaray.com
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