A Dragon's Treasure
by Beverly Ovalle
coming June 16th, 2017

Kai has been hunting for his mate for a very long time. Drawn to a singular place on earth, filled with treasures, he still seeks the greatest treasure of them all. His mate. Fleeing danger, Connie runs into the arms of destiny, but she has plans already, and a Dragon mate is not on the agenda. Kai has waited centuries for Connie, and he will claim his mate. Patience may not be a Dragon’s virtue, but he always gets his treasure. Sparks fly in this humorous erotic tale of mating and mayhem.EXCERPT
Connie’s eyes widened. “Ellen, this isn’t another one of your men, is it?” she whispered. A stirring of jealousy nudged her at the thought. A peal of laughter came from Ellen, while Breccan growled. “No, of course not. This is my foreman, Kai. Kai, this is my cousin Connie.” “Hi.” Connie smiled appreciatively at Kai, her heart beating erratically. “Ellen, do you have all the good looking men in town on your place?” The jealousy gone, she could feel his pull. So not what she needed right now. “Hello.” Kai grinned at Connie. “So, this is where you were heading?” He came over and leaned down, grabbing her hand, lifting it to his mouth. His lips were soft, lightning streaked through her body at the touch of his lips against her skin. Connie wanted to drown in the sensation, a shiver spreading across her body. Connie tugged her hand from his and nodded. “I decided to come visit Ellen. I needed to get away from the city for a bit.” A shadow passed over her face. Seeing it, Kai gazed intently into her eyes. All the men reacted, their spines straightening and eyes sharpening, all looking at Connie. Kai pulled Connie into his body, wrapping his steely arms around her. “What’s wrong? What are you scared of?” Connie gasped and wriggled away. Her nipples tightened beneath her thin robe and pajamas. She wouldn’t look down. She didn’t want to know if they were obvious. “Nothing. Well, something. I can’t talk about it yet. I don’t really know how to explain it.” She shook her head, frustrated that he’d known she hid something. Ignoring her haywire hormones that thought being wrapped around him perfectly fine, she plopped back down in her chair. “Let me get it straight. I already asked Ellen to give me a couple of days. You guys are just going to have to wait also.” “You can explain it now.” Hands on his hips, every inch of Kai demanded an answer. Connie glared up into Kai’s eyes. “Well excuse me, Mr. Bossy Pants. Since I don’t know you, you have no say in what I do or don’t do.” Who did he think he was? He had no right to question her. None. “I’m going to get dressed.” Connie flounced up, moving to avoid touching Kai. Gah, even his name was sexy.AUTHOR BIO

Beverly Ovalle dabbled with writing on and off for years when her best friend finally dared her to submit a story to a writing contest. Beverly decided she had nothing to lose and since she’d always wanted to be an author sent it in and agonized for months waiting to hear back. Contract in hand she has never looked back. Beverly has been obsessed with dragons and romance since she was a young girl, collecting dragon books and reading everything she could find on them even down to the care of real life dragons. She’s always been slightly panicked that the world as we know it will end, so has prepped for it, haunting survivalist pages and prepper projects she felt she needed in the event SHTF. An avid fan of all romance, Beverly’s goal is to share her love of the written word and write the hot and erotic romances that she enjoys. She writes what she loves to read and it was only a matter of time before her obsessions crept into her writing for her to share. She hopes you enjoy her tales as much as she loves writing them. A Navy Veteran, Beverly has traveled around the world and the United States enabling her to bring her settings to life, meeting and marrying her husband of twenty five years along the way for her own romance. Reading romances since the fourth grade she’s followed as the genre changed and spread into the vast cornucopia of romance offered today.
Author Web & Social Media links:
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