Title: The Fate Series Box Set
Author: Emersyn Vallis
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Cozy Mystery
Release Date: May 24, 2017
We all have choices in life… paths to take… roads to
It’s on those journeys that Fate finds us and takes us where
we need to be.
Without a second glance, we can be taken away from
everything we knew, the "people we love" and given a new life.
One that can change us… save us…
What would you do if Fate dropped you at a crossroads? Would
you go back? Or would you run like hell the other way?
One night is all it took to change Sidney Chandler and Simon
McAllister’s future and set them both on separate paths.
But when Fate decides to reunite them almost a decade later
will Simon be able to win back the woman he loves? And will Sidney be able to
get past what happened between them and move forward?
Purchase Links
$4.99 for a VERY limited time
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Author Bio
Emersyn Vallis currently lives on the East Coast but,
unfortunately nowhere near a beach where she dreams she was with a cocktail.
She's the mother to three crazy and wild children who are her world, a cat who
thinks he's the boss of the house, and a hamster who knows he's the
favorite. When she's not running her kids all over creation she can be
found on her computer or with a book in her hand. As a teenager, she spent most
of her weekends lying on the floor of her local Borders reading with her trusty
hazelnut coffee close. After years of reading for fun, she thought she would
try her hand at writing. Joining together her favorite elements from different
genres that spoke to her she took to her computer with an idea. The Fate Series
are the first of hopefully many books to come. And she looks forward to
introducing you to them.
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