Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Feather Light



Lorenz Font

Official genre of book: Erotic Contemporary Romance

Parker Davis has conquered three major American cities and is the new ‘it’ man in massage. He earned the nickname ‘Feather Light’ for his sensual touches, tender caresses, and soft voice eliciting an almost orgasmic release. Clients from all over clamor for his services, and his clientele are growing by the minute. Business is at its peak, which makes Parker a busy man who has no time to deal with problems, let alone dwell on his blindness. With his declining vision, Parker has to accept his limitations and the changes brought forth by this disease, but he is not ready to relinquish the last control he has left. He is still the master in his bedroom. Kelly Storm, a Hollywood actress, will do whatever it takes to get some much-deserved peace. Being famous has its perks, except the little privacy her popularity afforded her is slowly eating at her. With the paparazzi hounding her every minute of the day and her personal life under constant scrutiny, Kelly wants a semblance of normalcy wherever she can get it. Under the urging of a close friend, she agrees give Parker a try.

Their first meeting is nothing she expects. Kelly finds comfort in his gentle probing and the spellbinding experience guaranteed to keep her coming back for more. Parker knows the woman on his table is special. He feels her vulnerability with his fingertips, and her smooth curves leave a burning ache inside him.

One night of steamy passion is all it takes to know that they wanted each other in more ways than one. Kelly hides in heavy disguises, making it impossible for Parker to know her true identity. What secret is Kelly keeping, and will she trust Parker enough to tell him the truth? Will Parker see beyond Kelly’s lies to show her what a future with him holds?

He settled next to her, touching the contour of her body before he straddled her. “I don’t hesitate. Believe me, I want to take you, but there are few rules I want you to know first.”

“Rules?” There was a slight tremor in her voice.

He nodded and focused on the round shape he believed was her face. He lowered himself close enough to get the feel of her body underneath him. “You don’t ask what I’m doing. If you don’t like it, you will give me a word you don’t say very often.”

“A word? What for?”

“Because I will make love to you the way I know how.”

Another round of erratic breathing followed. “Um . . . what kind of word do you want me to use?”

“It’s called a safeword. Anything out of the ordinary—something you don’t normally use. It can even be a name.” He let his lips graze along her cheek, getting familiar with her scent. He felt her shudder, and she clasped her arms around his neck.

✯✯✯✯✯Excellent Drama
By Dee Archer
Wow! A beautiful story of facing fears, overcoming rejection & loss and finding sweet love. I found it so interesting to be inside the head of one physically blind and to experience his fears, frustrations, anger and despair.
Parker & Kelly were a good fit, two halves making a whole. Parker's eyes were blind but his touches could reach deeply into the inner beauty of the soul. Kelly's experience, on the other hand, had only been to be desired by men for her physical beauty but blinded to her inner true self.
However, her deception to preserve her emotional survival only magnified Parker's inner fear of his blindness and the rejection by a past lover. It all comes to a head with a bomb blast...kaboom!...with shards and splinters everywhere. When the smoke clears and the dust settles, lying amid the debris, something sparkles like a diamond. A shiny cd that turns out to be the key to forgiving the unforgivable.
Whenever emotions are expressed by the reader while immersed in a story, it is a sign the writing is excellent. It was all there. It is worth the time and effort to read this story; I guarantee you won't be sorry. Five Stars.

✯✯✯✯✯Perfect balance of sex and heart.
By Mcj Somera Campbell
I truly enjoyed reading this book simply because it is very well written and that the author did not sacrifice the story line for the infusion of erotic scenes. It is a perfect balance of sex & heart. It depicts the characters in a realistic fashion where man is flawed and make mistakes. Plus the "feel good" that there is always hope and forgiveness. You cannot help but relate to the characters and understand their pain. How can you not forgive Parker? And how can you not empathize with Kelly? And not to mention the sex/lovemaking....steamy. Is is just an awesome read!


A professional daydreamer, Lorenz Font discovered her love of writing after reading a celebrated novel that inspired one idea after another. Since being published in 2013, she has been conspiring, butting heads, and enjoying her spare time with vampires, angels, samurais, and other creatures she has created in her head.

Her perfect day consists of writing and lounging on her garage couch (a.k.a. the office) with a glass of her favorite cabernet while listening to her ever-growing music collection. She finds writing urban fantasy exhilarating and places an intense focus on angst and the redemption of flawed characters. Her fascination with romantic twists is a mainstay in all her stories.

Lorenz lives in Southern California with her supportive family and three demanding dogs.

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