Saturday, July 23, 2016

Review: Fury

Fury Fury by Laurann Dohner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Spunky N Sassy Rating: 5.0

~~~~~~~~~~Tracy's ★★★★★ Review~~~~~~~~~~

Fury was subjected to experiment after horrifying experiment and the one woman he thought would never betray him did an unmentionable act. Since he was freed all he wants is to capture her to taste her blood and destroy her. Ellie did everything she could to free all the New Species she could once she found out that the company she worked for was experimenting on them. One moment and one decision she makes could destroy all her hard work and she must betray one of the "subjects" in order to gain his freedom. When they meet up again all Fury can see is the pain she caused.

This book was amazing and I loved the story and struggle that Fury faces when he and Ellie come face to face again. The heat between Ellie and Fury burnt my kindle up. Definitely a must read book and this series is one not to miss. I loved everything about this book except I couldn't put it down until I devoured it all.

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