Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Review: Spook's Possession

Spook's Possession Spook's Possession by Nikki Landis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Spunky N Sassy Rating: 5.0

~~~~~~~~~~Tracy's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review~~~~~~~~~~

Welcome back to Tonopah Nevada and Grim's reapers. We meet Spook and Heather they both have dark secrets in their past. I love how they both want nothing but the best for the other and will sacrifice themselves for the other. I love the reaper twist and I always have. This book was so good and I could not put it down. Nikki Landis is definitely one of my go to authors, I love how she writes and how she navigates through some really tough subjects without exploiting it, she tells a story and pulls in the reader. I know I never want to leave Nikki's world.

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