Title: The Literary Ladies, A Seaside Desire Special Edition
Author: Valerie Lynne
Genre: Steamy Romance
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Welcome to historic Newport, Rhode Island. Join Victoria Hathaway and Jennifer Jordan as they each find their own happily-ever-after among a backdrop of picturesque ocean views, lavish multi-million-dollar estates and a close-knit community in THE LITERARY LADIES, A Seaside Desire Special Edition featuring two-full length novels.
THE PRODIGAL’S DESIRE, The Literary Ladies Duet #1
A misunderstood millionaire with a playboy reputation.
An introverted bookseller fearful of losing all she holds dear.
Sexually aroused by the enemy, the stakes are high.
Henry finds it impossible to stay away from the shy but sexy Victoria. Sparks fly when Victoria meets the handsome stranger until she discovers he’s the one who is threatening to take her land. Desperate and determined, Victoria struggles to save her home and her livelihood while ignoring her growing attraction for the man who threatens to destroy it all.
FOREVER HIS DESIRE, The Literary Ladies Duet #2
A man bound by duty.
A woman imprisoned by her past.
Each struggling to make a life-altering decision.
Faced with an unthinkable ultimatum, Andre gambles with his future. Forced to acknowledge her demons, Jennifer fights a destructive addiction.
THE PRODIGAL’S DESIRE, The Literary Ladies Duet #1
A misunderstood millionaire with a playboy reputation.
An introverted bookseller fearful of losing all she holds dear.
Sexually aroused by the enemy, the stakes are high.
Henry finds it impossible to stay away from the shy but sexy Victoria. Sparks fly when Victoria meets the handsome stranger until she discovers he’s the one who is threatening to take her land. Desperate and determined, Victoria struggles to save her home and her livelihood while ignoring her growing attraction for the man who threatens to destroy it all.
FOREVER HIS DESIRE, The Literary Ladies Duet #2
A man bound by duty.
A woman imprisoned by her past.
Each struggling to make a life-altering decision.
Faced with an unthinkable ultimatum, Andre gambles with his future. Forced to acknowledge her demons, Jennifer fights a destructive addiction.
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