Title: The Divided Twin
Series: Divided
Genre: Domestic Thriller
Genre: Domestic Thriller
Release Date: June 27, 2020
Publisher: Tangled Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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Amazon US: https://amzn.to/32RFlma
All other links: books2read.com/thedividedtwin
Everyone has a voice in their head. Mine is just a little louder.
Identical twins Aaron and Branson Kovak are in their final year of college—Aaron’s in Ohio, while Branson remains in their home state of Wyoming. There’s also the third twin, David, who only exists in one of their minds.
Despite the distance between them, Aaron and Branson are united by a turbulent childhood they survived together. As they enter adulthood, David comes out of the shadows to wreak havoc on the real world—his idea of fun.
When their mom is diagnosed with cancer, the ties that bind the twins incite David to tear them apart at the seams.
Will they stand or fall together, or separately?
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Available for preorder!
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/32RFlma
All other links: books2read.com/thedividedtwin
Everyone has a voice in their head. Mine is just a little louder.
Identical twins Aaron and Branson Kovak are in their final year of college—Aaron’s in Ohio, while Branson remains in their home state of Wyoming. There’s also the third twin, David, who only exists in one of their minds.
Despite the distance between them, Aaron and Branson are united by a turbulent childhood they survived together. As they enter adulthood, David comes out of the shadows to wreak havoc on the real world—his idea of fun.
When their mom is diagnosed with cancer, the ties that bind the twins incite David to tear them apart at the seams.
Will they stand or fall together, or separately?
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/32RFlma
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2NMxhPo
Amazon: AU: https://amzn.to/2Kl5q6I
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/379B8xG
iTunes: https://apple.co/2NNVaWB
B&N: http://bit.ly/3551rTU
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2NNhTlU
M. Billiter is the alter ego of contemporary, award-winning romance author, Mary Billliter.
After writing more than a dozen love stories, she is exploring the other side. Best known for her emotional honesty, Mary doesn’t write about well-adjusted people, but rather the wounds in life.
M. Billiter writes with clarity and raw emotion to explore difficult subjects and issues close to her heart.
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