Saturday, August 31, 2019

About Face


Title: About Face (Love in the Suburbs #1) 
Author: D.E. Haggerty 
Genre:Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: August 29, 2019 
Cover Designer: Jeroen E. Spaan - Geared Training 

My grandma is trying to hook me up. To be painfully specific, my seventy-five-year-old grandmother thinks a little hanky-panky would cheer me up. Direct quote. Since I’m currently living with her, I can’t escape the endless line of grandchildren of friends who keep ‘dropping by’ for dinner. Literally, I can’t escape. I can barely manage the trek to the dining room at this point. While Grandma’s determined to find me a husband, I’m determined to learn how to walk again so I can walk away from her matchmaking skills. Spoiler alert: She has no matchmaking skills. But then I get a brilliant idea. I can fake date my physical therapist. Only he wants a real date. Gulp. A real date with me? Is he for real? I’m no longer the stylish girl with the glamorous job. Now, I’m a woman with a shattered leg and a scarred face. If I’m going to learn to live with my new reality and give love a chance, my attitude needs to do an about face. Easier said than done.

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“Now, young man.” I chuckle. Bert is not young by anyone’s measure except Grandma’s. Based on his receding hairline and the gray tinting his beard, I’m guessing he’s somewhere in his late thirties if not older. “What’s this about you having a girlfriend?” Bert, who just stuffed a huge portion of pork chop into his mouth, chokes but holds his hand up when Grandma stands and pulls her arm back as if to whack him on the back. He takes a drink of water and manages to swallow his food. “My grandmother Alma doesn’t approve of my relationship.” “Why not?” Grandma asks as she sits down. “Are you a homosexual? Do you need me to talk to Alma? She should know better in this day and age than to discriminate against you gays.” Bert starts choking all over again. This time on mere air. When he gets control of himself, he shakes his head. “Um, no. I’m not gay. I have a girlfriend,” he explains making sure to emphasize ‘girl’. “Why doesn’t she approve of your relationship?” I ask before Grandma can start on some other inane theory. “My girlfriend is in prison.” My eyes widen at his answer. I can honestly admit of the dozen scenarios running through my head – drug dealer, too young, single mother – ‘girlfriend in prison’ never entered the realm of possibilities. “What’s she in for?” His lips turn down at my question. “What? Is it not proper etiquette to ask?” Like I care. I will find out what crimes his girlfriend committed. He shrugs. “I guess I can tell you as you’ll probably never meet Shayla. She was arrested for intention to distribute drugs.” My mouth gapes open. “Your girlfriend is a drug dealer?” Bert’s eyes narrow on me. “No, she is not. She has a problem with addiction for which she’s being treated.” Sure, she’s not. “Does she get treatment in prison?” “She’s going to NA.” I nod. NA is better than nothing I guess, although I wouldn’t be surprised if she was ordered to attend NA as part of her sentence. Wow. These blind dates are making me cynical. I take a bite of pork chop as I consider my next question. “How did you two meet?” “Online.” “Like online dating before she went to prison or…” I trail off when I see him shaking his head. “No, I met her on this website for dating prisoners.” There’s a website for dating prisoners? People who are not in prison purposefully choose to find a prisoner to date? Fascinating. I have to find this website. Maybe his girlfriend is still listed on there. “But you have met her in person, right?” “Of course.” Bert smiles. “I drive down to the prison about once a month to visit her.” I lean forward and whisper. “Can you like touch each other and kiss and stuff when you visit?” Is it rude to ask someone if they can have sex with their prisoner girlfriend at the dinner table? I sneak a peek at Grandma whose mouth is hanging open as she stares at Bert. Okay, probably not best to ask about sex then. Bert’s face goes nuclear red. Even the tips of his ears are red. It’s kind of adorable. “Not really. But she’s out soon…” The implication is clear. He can’t wait to do the horizontal mumbo jumbo with his prisoner girlfriend. Grandma clears her throat and stops any further questions of which I have about a gazillion. I’ve never met anyone who dated a prisoner before. I don’t think I even know anyone who’s been to jail, let alone prison. It’s fascinating. “What about in the meantime?” Grandma asks. “In the meantime? What do you mean?” Bert asks, but I have a sneaking suspicious where Grandma is going with this line of inquiry and I don’t like it one bit. “Don’t you need some female companionship since your girl is … um …. unavailable?” Oh my god! Is my grandma trying to pimp me out?

I grew up reading everything I could get my grubby hands on, from my mom's Harlequin romances to Nancy Drew, to Little Women. When I wasn't flipping pages in a library book, I was penning horrendous poems, writing songs no one should ever sing, or drafting stories which have thankfully been destroyed. College and a stint in the U.S. Army came along, robbing me of free time to write and read, although on the odd occasion I did manage to sneak a book into my rucksack between rolled up socks, MRIs, t-shirts, and cold weather gear. After surviving the army experience, I went back to school and got my law degree. I jumped ship and joined the hubby in the Netherlands before the graduation ceremony could even begin. A few years into my legal career, I was exhausted, fed up, and just plain done. I quit my job and sat down to write a manuscript, which I promptly hid in the attic after returning to the law. But being a lawyer really wasn’t my thing, so I quit (again!) and went off to Germany to start a B&B. Turns out being a B&B owner wasn’t my thing either. I polished off that manuscript languishing in the attic before following the husband to Istanbul where I decided to give the whole writer-thing a go. But ten years was too many to stay away from my adopted home. I packed up again and moved to The Hague where I’m currently working on my next book. I hope I’ll always be working on my next book.


Title: Torturous
Author: L.L. Hunter 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: August 31st, 2019
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Hayley never fit in.
She’s not the kind of girl others want to be friends with.
She’s clumsy, quirky and best friends with the librarian.
So how come the hot new substitute teacher thinks she’s worthy of conversation?
Hayley hides in the library between classes because it’s where she feels comfortable – her safe haven where she can hide from the world.
Until her save haven becomes the place of rumours and rendezvous.
Milo wasn’t looking for romance.
When he took the part time teaching position at the local college, he only wants to put his head down and focus on his career.
But love found him amongst the book stacks.
Soon, Hayley becomes the object of all his thoughts, and their romance becomes the subject of all the college gossip.
Whispers and side glances were something Hayley and Milo thought they’d escape in college.
Will they overcome the torturous rumours and give in to their desire?
The much- anticipated sequel to Treacherous.
Love is Torturous
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L.L. Hunter is the author of over 20 published works, including The Legend of the Archangel Series and The Garden of Eden. She has studied everything from veterinary nursing, forensic science, and dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author. 

She has been writing since her teens - everything from fan fiction, to song lyrics, to plays and musicals. When not working on her next paranormal romance, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with one or both of her “fur babies.” Follow her on Facebook, Twitter @llhunterbooks, and her blog -
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Rebel Jewel

Title: Rebel Jewel
Series: The Jewel Chronicles, #3
Author: Natalina Reis
Genre: Fiction - Fantasy Romance
Release Date: August 31, 2019
Milenda never wanted the responsibilities that came from being a royal heiress. After three years in exile, she’s called back home to ignite a revolution. A revolution that will spill innocent blood and endanger her husband and baby daughter.
After a lifetime in captivity, Jaali only wants a quiet life with his wife and daughter. But the gods have other plans, ones that promise a wave of destruction. To rescue their people from the Elders and free the enslaved, Milenda and Jaali must put aside their fears, summon all their courage and wits, and march head-on into a bloody revolution.
Even if their love for each other carries them, unscathed and victorious, to the end, the revolution may yet destroy the lives of the ones they hold dearest.
Rebel Jewel is the third and final book in The Jewel Chronicles. A unique interracial romance set against a breathtaking fantasy world with complex characters and twists at every turn. Let Rebel Jewel take you to another world.

The goddess seemed to radiate light, her warmth surrounding Milenda like a comforting embrace. “I had to come and see you off on your journey back. My sister, Freya, was kind enough to allow me the visit. She is quite taken by you and your man.”
With the northern divinity, it was always hard to tell. She favored sarcasm and often vulgarity to being straightforward.
“There’s no need to be scared, Jewel.” Easy for her to say. She was not the one walking into the grip of power-hungry men who wanted her dead. “Your father will protect you.”
“He didn’t do that great of a job when I was in Natale, did he?” Milenda loved her father and she now knew that he loved her too, but after a lifetime of being treated like a stranger in her own home, bitterness still soured her heart once in a while. “He has a new wife, why would he care to protect the daughter that can bring nothing but turmoil to his life?”
Yemanjá let out a long sigh. “My sweet Jewel, your father is as anxious to start a revolution as any of us.” Why did the goddess think she wanted to start anything? “Now that he has been made aware of what’s going on in his land, he wants to change it. Melchior doesn’t want to be referred to in history books as the one who allowed slavery and other barbarities to coexist with a civilization proud of its culture.”
The goddess had hit a nerve. Milenda wanted to end slavery and the savagery of rituals like the Trials that almost killed her husband. As reluctant as she was to start a war of any kind, she knew it was necessary for much needed changes to take place. The problem was she was not alone anymore—she had a consort she loved more than life and now a daughter too. Her matangazos prickled, unpleasant electric-like shocks, the cold fingers of fear running up her shoulder and neck.
“Kidogo moja, I came to collect my dues.” The tall and exquisite woman’s lips were stretched into a thin line, but her eyes were soft and shiny. “I helped you save Jaali. Now you must pay for it.”
Author of We Will Always Have the Closet, Desert Jewel, and Loved You Always, Natalina wrote her first romance in collaboration with her best friend at the age of 13. Since then she has ventured into other genres, but romance is first and foremost in almost everything she writes.
After earning a degree in tourism and foreign languages, she worked as a tourist guide in her native Portugal for a short time before moving to the United States. She lived in three continents and a few islands, and her knack for languages and linguistics led her to a master’s degree in education. She lives in Virginia where she has taught English as a Second Language to elementary school children for more years than she cares to admit.
Natalina doesn’t believe you can have too many books or too much coffee. Art and dance make her happy and she is pretty sure she could survive on lobster and bananas alone. When she is not writing or stressing over lesson plans, she shares her life with her husband and two adult sons.