Thursday, December 14, 2017

Missing Home

Title: Missing Home
Author: Stephany Tullis
Genre: Literature & Fiction - Religious & Inspirational Fiction - Inspirational
Contemporary Fiction – Religious – Christian – Clean Romance
Publisher: Diamond TK Publishing
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR


When Dr. Jared Johnson's research project collapses, so does he. He tosses the funding rejection letter in his office wastebasket and his plans to marry the love of his life out the window.

The last thing he wants to do is return to his home town, Chandlerville, Kentucky. An unexpected call from his grandmother, a lifelong resident of the small town, convinces him that all things indeed happen for a reason and perhaps this is the right time to reestablish his roots and start anew.

When he arrives--single, with no intent to marry, he's shocked to learn that the town has unanimously approved his pastoral appointment to the newly refurbished 100-year-old Baptist church. Despite his divinity training, Jared never intended to pastor a church—not when his specialty is psychological profiling. 

As fate would have it, the evil spirits that begin to permeate the town and its good-hearted citizens shortly after his arrival challenge his technical skills, experience and community relationships. To complicate matters, a local angel finds herself in the eye of the storm causing Jared to re-evaluate his past and question his future.

In my world, there is no life without writing, traveling, family, music and my love of politics. My loves and interests are central to my writing.

I published my first novel The Master's Plan, A Novel in November 2013 (Edition 3 issued in 2016) and my first Christmas novel, 48 Hours 'Til Christmas, in November 2014. 

In 2015, I released Love, Peace & Joy: 3 Short Stories.
BLUE LADY (a short story) published in February 2015 launched my first series, The Angelica Mason Series. The first full installment in this series, entitled BLUE LADY'S Sweet Dreams was released July 2016 to be followed by BLUE LADY'S Mission Impossible in 2018.

In June 2016, I launched my second series (B.B.B.) with a novella entitled, Beach Baby Blues (part of an 11 author Beach Anthology, Stories of Sun, Sand and Sea). I hope to publish the sequel in this new series, entitled, Baby Boomer Blues by July 2017.

The sequel to The Master's Plan, entitled, Forgive, Forgotten, Forever is scheduled for release in the Fall of 2017.
I am pleased to partner with my friend and fellow author, PJ Fiala to sponsor the Chandler County multi-branded author series and will soon be releasing two books in this series. 

Missing Pieces is currently on pre-order with an April 11th 2017 release date and my second book in this new series is entitled Missing Chances and will be released in November 2017. 

Nine other authors will publish their books in this exciting endeavor during 2017. All books are based on our fictional towns, Chandlerville and Bourbonville Kentucky, 'where the unbridled spirit of romance roams'.

I live in Georgia with my family where I continue to write professionally and have published on as Atlanta's Society and Culture Examiner and in various health related peer review journals.

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