Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Kings of the Empire

Kings of the Empire
The Elven Chronicles: Book 12
By M.A. Abraham
Blog Tour
About the Book:
The Empire is rising to face the enemy. They are not alone, for their allies and neighbors have come to help; some have even come to fight despite the objections of their own rulers. 
The Drazon is free, the Demon Hordes are on the march, and their numbers are staggering. Will the Empire survive this challenge? Or will their enemies prevail? The stakes are high, for if they fail to win the upcoming battles, the lives of every Elf in the Empire will be in jeopardy. No one knows the real extent of what they will be facing
As the Elves prepare to fight, the Drazon attacks at will, first challenging the might of the Dragons. He feels invincible. Omnipotent. Immortal. He will show the world who is in charge and the meaning of fear. His hatred knows no boundary. 
While King Lothrariel continues to hold his Empire and, the lives of his people together, he is besieged by problems. He turns to Gabriel, to handle the greatest tasks, and to resume his place as Commander in Chief of the Combined Elven Armies of the Empire. Lothrariel must also answer his Life Mate’s call to fight at her side. He quickly finds out there is more to her summons than their bond. As an Oracle, she 'sees' the possible outcomes, but she cannot speak of them, she can only guide.

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General Jerrol Eagle Claw’s warhorse crashed through the circle of the Demon Warriors that surrounded his brother.  He immediately jumped from the saddle, even before his horse came to a stop.  He knew his mount would know what to do, as well as his men.  He didn’t need to order any of them into action, as he rushed to protect Gildren’s back.  This is what they had been trained all their lives for.  

The first words their father had taught them were to protect their brothers’ backs in a fight.  They had lived their lives by that creed.  Never leave a comrade vulnerable in battle, unless there is no other choice.

“Your timing is impeccable, brother,” General Gildren Eagle Claw praised General Jerrol.

“You didn’t expect me to let you take on the whole Demon Horde on your own, did you?”  General Jerrol Eagle Claw returned.  He didn’t like the way Gildren sounded.  His bother’s words were weak, even if he never missed a beat with the way he handled his swords.  They stood back to back, and met all the Demon Warriors who came close to them, as they exchanged quick snippets of information.

“We brought reinforcements.  The Wild Elven Army came to join us.  After the battles, there will only be a short cleanup left to do.”  General Jerrol informed Gildren.

“Good, because I don’t believe I have much fight left in me anymore,” Gildren admitted.

At this moment, the two brothers were once more comrades at arms.  They were no longer Generals, as far as they were concerned, they were family.  They struck out at one Demon Warrior after another, until they quit coming at them.  When they reached that point, and they couldn’t see anymore signs of impending danger, Jerrol turned to congratulate Gildren, only to need to rush to his side to catch him, as his legs gave out beneath him.  He couldn’t control the instantaneous reaction that echoed through his mind, as he threw his head back to scream.

“No, Gildren.”

Gildren’s blood soaked his uniform, and his face was white with fatigue.  He looked into his brother’s face, and saw the anguish written on his expression, and he smiled as he commented.

“I think we won.  Dad will be proud of us.”

Gildren closed his eyes, as his head lolled over to the side, and Jerrol gave a loud keening scream.  Not Gildren, not his older brother.  Not the man he looked up to as much as he did their father.  What would he tell their mother?  They won the war in this part of the Elven Empire, but lost part of the heart of their family?  

That wasn’t good enough.  He tried to pour as much of the healing power he had in him, into his brother, but like his father, he hadn’t been blessed with much.

Jerrol felt a hand press against his shoulder, as one of the Wild Elves responded to his anguished call for help.  It was their leader.  He walked around, to kneel before Jerrol, and took Gildren from his arms to hold him.  After a few moments, he turned to another Wild Elf and commanded.

“Summon Sonata, this Elf lives yet.  Tell her she is needed here more than anywhere else.”

“Sonata does not heal yet, she is too young,” the Wild Elf, the leader had spoken to, responded.

“Bring her now, and make it quick,” The leader ordered.

The second in command didn’t question his King a second time.  He could tell by the tone in this voice that there would be no arguing with him.  He had been given a Royal Command.  He raised his face to the sky to watch as Sonata came on the wings of a large Battle Bird.  Her sister followed close behind.

Jerrol watched, as Sonata slid off the back of her Battle Bird and then approached his brother.  He didn’t care if she looked like an Elven male’s dream, all he could think about was Gildren, and how close to dying he was.

The Wild Elven King usually kept his daughters away from the Elves from the outside world.  Their customs were different than theirs.  He believed that was part of the reason the magic in this part of the Elven Empire was so weak.  He smiled, as his Life Mate arrived on a panther, and then came to stand at his side, as they watched Sonata run her hands over the young Elven male.  When she was finished, she raised her eyes to meet with those of her mother, and spoke.

“There is so little left of him to hold onto, yet, there is something about him that calls to me, something that tells me it is important that I heal him.”

Sonata’s voice was clear, and sounded sweeter than the first songbird of summer, and her eyes shone a clear blue.  Her honey colored hair hung past her hips in long unfettered curls, and her lips looked soft and inviting, in a heart shaped face.

“I will help,” Sonata’s sister spoke with a voice what was whisper soft.

The sound of the second sister’s voice made Jerrol suddenly glance at her.  The moment he saw her, he felt his mouth go dry.  She was every bit as beautiful as her sister, but in a more ethereal fashion, with her coloring being a much paler shade of moonlight.  Something deep in his chest made his heart pound, as if it recognized something special about her.  His mind reached to understand the reason, and his eyes searched for whatever was attracting him.  She, however, refused to look directly at him.  Instead, she rushed to the other side of Gildren, to kneel at his side, and clasp her sister’s hands with hers, as she closed her eyes.  

The two Wild Elven Females began to chant a healing spell, and he turned his attention back to his brother.

As the girls sang, Jerrol could see Gildren begin to gain ground.  His chest began to show signs of his breathing, and his eyes fluttered, as he fought to open them.  

He closed his eyes too, as he offered his strength to help heal his brother.

The Wild Elven King looked at his Life Mate, as he wrapped his hand around her fingers, and she looked up at him for a moment, before she reached up to offer him a kiss.  They knew what they had just seen, and what to expect.  It wasn’t anything that happened often, but occasionally they were surprised in this manner.  The Fates worked in the strangest of ways.

“You cannot fight this my love.  We knew that Sonata and Lumina would someday meet their Life Mates.  I have a feeling these Elves are special, and will care for our girls well,” The Wild King’s Life Mate assured him.

“I know, but Light Elves?”  The Wild Elven King replied with distaste.

“Do not dismiss the choices of the fates.  It never ends well when we fight their plans,” The Wild Elven King’s Life Mate warned.

A high ranking Elf from the Elven Nation walked up to the Wild Elven King and asked.  “Do you know if the General will survive?”

“General?”  The Wild Elven King asked.

“Yes, General Gildren Eagle Claw, he is the son of the High Lord General Gabriel Eagle Claw, and the Tratchar Eden.  The one standing at his side is his brother, General Jerrol Eagle Claw.  They directed this portion of the war, while their father fights in the Light Elven Kingdom.”  The Elf from the Elven Empire answered.

Eagle Claws, his daughters were Life Mates to Eagle Claw Generals.  It was something the Wild Elven King could live with, for that family was strong, and spoken of with great reverence.  It was something he found usually went deeper then respect or admiration.  Their people actually loved them.  He reached out with his power, to feed it to the ailing Elf.  He knew it wouldn’t take much longer before the two young male Elves would be kneeling before him for his blessing.  They would know the girls were too young for bonding yet, but that would soon pass.  

As that thought crossed his mind, he felt a pressure on his fingers.  It was his Life Mate, letting him know in her subtle way, that she was pleased with his decision to accept things as they were.

About the Author:

I come from a very large family (mostly brothers), and to make a long story very short, we were a lively group.  We loved to tease each other.  Which is why I was able to outrun them (even if I am the shortest!). It was a matter of survival. 

My one and only sister was another matter, I think it would have been a close call to try to outrun her.  To put it bluntly, we had a happy childhood.

When I was growing up, my job was to play guardian angel to my little brother, which meant keeping him safe.  I ended up getting into more fights trying to do that than any other time – I guess that is one of the reasons that when I write about warriors, I know something about battles.

Writing was never my childhood dream, although I was the one who made up stories to play out when we got together with other children.  It was probably the beginning of what drove me to write; that, and a challenge from a friend in Jr. High.  She proudly showed me her story, and asked me to read it, which I did.  I have to admit, I was no diplomat, and embarrassed to admit it.  I told her what I thought was wrong with it, she told me to do better, and then when I did she threw her book out.  I felt bad, but it was too late to change things.

It was the beginning of a whole different phase in my life.  Now, instead of playing the story out, I wrote them.  The trouble a young girl can get into doing something so innocent.  People do not understand that flashlights use batteries, if you are not allowed to put the lights on in the house in the middle of the night. (Imagine that!)  

Teachers take offence when you are writing, and not listening when they are lecturing.  I would write my stories and hide them in the closet, where they stayed until one of the nieces found them.  We all know what happened then.  Yes, you guessed it, Becca had just finished her formatting course, and those books were interesting, which meant they were about to become public domain.

So, now that my closet has been raided, and some of my stashes have been found, the worlds I once created are coming out into the open, where everyone can read them, slowly, as fillers between books that are evolving on a day to day basis, along with series like, The Elven Chronicles, Tantalus, EC: One Empire and Guardians of the Future, and who knows what else the future will bring.

Maybe it was her form of revenge for what I have done in the past, but I cannot imagine why.  I have been a good girl, granted, there are some of my family who will try to tell you that I’m not as innocent as I would like everyone to believe.  That I have earned what I have reaped, and have a personality that keeps them on their toes. (Do not believe them.)  Granted, over the years, I have earned several nicknames from the nieces and nephews 😉  ,  Names like – The Godmother, The Evil Christmas Elf (comes from making my nieces wrap their own Christmas presents), Mistress of Ambush.  My favourite response to them, when they try to get me into trouble, is just to look at them with a wide, doe eyed expression, and say “Moi?????”

As for pets, I have a seal point Siamese cat named Athena Ravenspaw, and another, a lilac point torte Siamese, I called Azorez Tathar Silver Myst.  Both like to romp in the middle of the night, on top the bed, and sleep during the day.

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