Monday, July 18, 2016

Taylor Made




Book Info

Author: KJ Lewis

Title: Taylor Made

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Artist: Regina Wamba

Release: August 24th



Emme James’ southern roots and ease at reading people make her known in elite circles as one of the best image and brand consultants in the business. Her gut-instinct and ability to balance six male roommates, a New York Madame, a rock star and her job do nothing to prepare her for the chaos that ensues when a chance meeting places her on a path that threatens the resolve of control Emme masters.

Having never mislead a woman of his intentions, Graham Taylor makes no apologies for his ‘fuck ‘em and leave ‘em attitude’.  He gets no hassle sex and they get money and notoriety. The only stipulation, control. His. An unexpected mishap places him next to an unassuming southern girl whose honesty and kindness kindles a need to show her what it would be like to give control to him even for a short amount of time.   His underestimation of her tenacity soon blurs the line of who is really in control.



Handsome man posing

fashion studio photo of impassioned beautiful couple. sexy woman



Kj is Memphis raised with a New York soul. Taylor Made is Kj's first adult contemporary romance duet.





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