Monday, July 18, 2016

Great Summer Countdown - Day 7

Rachelle is the award-winning author of ten books, including The Soldier’s Bride (A Kindle Scout Selection), Diamond Rings Are Deadly Things, Veils and Vengeance, and Christmas Kisses: An Echo Ridge Anthology. Her novella, “Silver Cascade Secrets,” was included in the Rone Award–winning Timeless Romance Anthology, Fall Collection.
Rachelle loves laughing with her husband while raising five children and dozens of chickens on a little farm in rural Idaho. She graduated cum laude from Utah State University with a degree in psychology and a minor in music. 

Q&A With the Author:

5.    What is your favorite part of writing? I love each part when I’m in it. I love it when I’m excited and brainstorming a new idea! I love it when I’m writing like a speed-demon with that first draft just flowing from my fingertips. And then, I love it when I’m polishing and revising because that means I’m almost done with another book.

6.     Do you have any advice for other writers? Read a ton! Read lots of different books as well as those in the genre you’re writing in. Attend writing conferences and classes. Write because you love it, because the story must be told, because the characters are keeping you up at night. Fully accept that after you write, you will spend a lot of time editing, fixing, rewriting, and honing your craft. Keep writing!

Connect with the Author here: 

Love can be a very dangerous thing. 

At least it seems that way to Adri Pyper, the premier wedding planner in Sun Valley, Idaho. When one of her clients dies mysteriously, Adri takes the advice of the local detective and swears she will stay out of the investigation . . . this time. Luke Stetson's involvement in the case, along with the possibility of a kiss between the two, should be enough incentive to keep Adri out of trouble. But when a dog-themed wedding is almost ruined by a suspect, Adri and her assistant, Lorea, are thrust into private eye mode. When poison enters the picture, even a reluctant sleuth can’t steer clear of danger.


I had just hung up the phone with the caterer when Gladys breezed in the doorway. She wore a purple muumuu with red hibiscus flowers. I guess red and purple do work together sometimesat least the outfit suited Gladys.
“Good morning,” I said.
“It is a wonderful morning,” Gladys replied. “I’ve just stopped by to invite you to my wedding. I can’t believe I’m getting married today!”
“Oh?” I tried to get the right intonation of surprise to show up in my voice. I was definitely surprised, but it looked like Gladys wanted me to be happily surprised, and excited for her.
“Yes. Hank and I are just so in love, we decided, why wait?” She spread her arms out, and the purple muumuu fluttered with the movement.
“Well, that’s wonderful. Where will you be married?”
“At Hank’s place. He lives just outside of Hailey and his yard is lovely.”
“Oh, backyard weddings are perfect this time of year.” I struggled to come up with something to say and quiet my inner wedding-planner voice from chanting what I’d learned while working at Bellissima, the premier wedding design boutique in San Francisco, California. Don’t be hasty with your dreams. Design your future in detail.
“We’re inviting just a few close friends and family, but I wanted you to come since you gave us so many wonderful ideas.”
I choked on the credit she’d given me. Hopefully word wouldn’t spread too far that I had helped with this impromptu wedding. “That’s very kind of you.”
“So you’ll come?”
“Uh, what time did you say?” Now to decide if I should go to the wedding or hope that I already had something planned. Luke would probably bail me out if I begged, but the eager look on Gladys’s face was hard to turn down. I also needed to find a way to ask Gladys a little question about the information she’d shared with me yesterday.
“It’ll be at six-thirty. I’m so glad you can come. Make sure you bring a date.” She took both my hands in hers and gave them a little squeeze. “Here’s the address.” She handed me a purple index card with the details handwritten on the lines.
I lifted my cheeks into an uber-fake smile. “I wouldn’t miss it. And, uh, I wondered if you could help me with something for Lily’s fiancĂ©?”
Gladys’s expression changed, and the keen look returned to her eye. She was a gossip; I could almost see her antennae go up. “Yes, that poor dear. I’d do anything to help.”
I bit my bottom lip. Now how could I phrase the question so it wouldn’t look like I was the gossip? “Well, I’m trying not to step on any toes, but I wondered, when did you hear that Lily would be testifying in the custody case?”
Gladys scrunched her brows together, probably wondering how her answer would help Tim. “It was just the other day. I took her over a bag of my homemade bath salts to congratulate her on her engagement.” She looked at me expectantly.
“Oh, that was nice of you. Homemade gifts are the best.”
“Yes, well, this bath salt recipe would work great on that Idaho-potatoes-and-crafts website you have.” Gladys put her hand to the side of her mouth. “It’s my own secret combination. Works like a charm every time and leaves you feeling delightfully refreshed.”
I couldn’t be surprised anymore by Gladys. Not only was she having a shotgun wedding at the age of sixty-something, but she seemed savvy enough to understand the workings of my Mashed Potatoes and Crafts website. How in the world did she even find out about the site?

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